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Round Up Star Date 2021.299

1. Anthony Fauci is a monster. He has fought against drugs that would have saved hundreds of thousands of people so that he and a select group of people can get rich off the vaccines that do not work. There are reports that he lied about gain of function research and his agency funded it. The NIH funded a university to harvest the organs of aborted babies. Fauci was also involved in research that tortured puppies by allowing them to be eaten alive by sand flies for 196 days but first they removed the vocal cords so they would not be disturbed by barks. There is legitimate testing done on animals that is humane and does not involve torture. These tests are not like that and the people conducting them are monsters. There is now word that the NIH funded testing where monkeys were frightened with spiders and snakes and then acid was poured into their brains through holes bored through their skulls. Then the horror tests were run again. I do not know what purpose these tests serve but monkeys are close to humans genetically. Do you suppose they are testing to see how to terrorize humans? These people do not care about life so be very cautious and if they come for you fight like you are the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark and it is starting to rain.

2. A new poll indicates that if the presidential election were held today Donald Trump would win in a landslide over Biden or Harris. Big deal! Trump won the last election in a landslide but China helped steal it so they could control our government through their bought and paid for puppet, Joe Biden. Let’s Go Brandon and the horse he rode in on.

3. The Dem-Commies never tell you what they will do or how they will govern. They only tell you what you want to hear because if they told the truth only the very far radical left would vote for them. Newsom did that in California. He held back until he beat the recall election and then dropped a number of edicts to control people. How many would have voted for him if he did those thigs before the election. Phil Murphy out of New Jersey is doing the same thing. Project Veritas captured senior advisor to Murphy, Wendy Martinez, discussing what Murphy will do AFTER the gubernatorial election. She clearly explains that Murphy does not want to do any of the things now because it would jeopardize his chances of being reelected. She mocks the people who will be affected by belittling their desire to be free. She called it the “my rights sh*t.” Nice, eh? Dem-Commies will never tell you what they will do or you would not vote for them because they only want power and they do not care how they get it. Then when they do get power they will infringe upon your rights and subjugate you.

4. Florida, where the governor believes in liberty and freedom, is now the state with the lowest Covid infection rate in the country. Imagine that, the state that let people decide and did not impose Draconian measures is better off than places where the Dem-Commies (and RINOs) rule with iron fists. See, you do not need mandates, masks and lock downs to achieve control of the virus. Gove people tools and let them decide what is best for them.

5. Case in point. The NFL has very strict Covid protocols and still the players and coaches are getting Covid. It would appear as if the NFL, a microcosm of the Dem-Commie and RINO controlled states, is no better off than those states are. These folks cannot control the virus but they still enjoy controlling the people.

Heil Zucker6. Why isn’t Facebook stopping this? Thousands of illegal invaders are making their way to our border and they are using a QR code on Facebook to assist in the endeavor. They are telling Joe Biden that they are coming and they expect to be allowed in. Biden is responsible for this and is so inept he could mess up an anvil with a rubber mallet. He is a demented old fool who should never have been put in charge. This invasion of illegals is a deliberate assault on our sovereignty. Why is FB allowing the QR to remain? Why isn’t it removed for encouraging illegal behavior? You can bet that if I or one of my FB Jail peeps put up something encouraging illegal behavior the Nazis at FB would put us in jail. Facebook needs to be dismantled, have its protections removed and sued into poverty.

7. He would still caucus with Democrats so what is the difference? Joe Manchin is a moderate but is a dyed in the wool Democrat. He will never be a conservative. Instead of having him change parties as Mike Lee is saying (he would change to Independent), why not get the people of West Virginia to change Senators? Manchin votes with Republicans a lot but he continues to be a part of the problem.

Joe Biden8. Joe Biden is a demented old fool who could hide his own Easter Eggs. He is not in charge and he rarely spends time at the White House. Joe has had more personal travel time than any president in decades. More than Trump who the left screamed about because he traveled to his home in Florida. Biden goes to his main home in Wilmington, his beach house at Rehoboth or Camp David and does so nearly every weekend. He has been in office 276 days and 108 of them were spent on personal trips to one of the three places I mentioned. I told you before that people with dementia do better when they are in familiar surroundings. There is no doubt they are whisking him away to get him back to his best reality. I have it on the sly from someone who knows secret service detail folks that Biden goes there (to one of these places) each weekend and is surrounded by medical folks pumping him full of top grade stuff to make him appear sane. It is convenient as well because a lot of folks visit there and no visitor logs are kept. Biden is probably committing his well known graft while getting tuned up from a long week of demented rants.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
