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Round Up Star Date 2021.295

1. What if the Covid Vaccine is a plan to weaken America? I could never wrap my hands around why the government would shut down Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (Facebook still says fact checkers say it is not true despite tons of evidence) for treating Covid-19 when the results were promising. It is now played out and the use of these drugs, particularly Ivermectin, has saved lives in parts of the world that are not the United States. There are even rumors that members of Congress who got Covid were treated with it while denying it to the regular folks. I did all of the follow the money stuff in earlier posts but what if it is more? What if they are using a vaccine to cripple the US military? China controls Joe Biden and his family and if reports are accurate it controls a lot of other politicians. So perhaps China is pushing for the FORCED vaccination of our military so that they will be weakened by the drugs. That weakens the entire nation and makes us ripe for an attack.

But we have a lot of armed citizens, the largest army in the world. Well then that would explain the push to vaccinate everyone and the push to mandate vaccines and force compliance by making life miserable. This is all speculation on my part but I would not put it past the bad actors in government to sell us out to China for 30 pieces of silver. Fortunately, there is a lot of pushback from the people you would expect to be armed…

2. I will believe it when I see it. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is saying that if Republicans take back control of the House in 2022 they will investigate the fraud and wrongdoing of the Democrats. These promises are made by both sides during campaigns to gin up voter support. Anyone remember “lock her up”? She is still not in jail. McCarthy specifically pointed to Pelosi’s illegal gains from insider trading and the art work of Hunter Biden. These items, among many others, are worthy of investigation. But once they start talking about it in earnest there will be a number of Republicans who pull the leadership aside and ask that it not be pursued because they are guilty of it as well. Hell, I would not be surprised if the people making the promises have done the same things and are only making noise to win. Look at the sex scandals. Congress has a slush fund of YOUR tax dollars it uses to pay off people who were victims of sexual misconduct by members of Congress. You know that members of both parties have to be beneficiaries of this slush fund. If it were confined to one party the other would have released the names. SO I will believe that they will investigate the Dem-Commies when I see people get investigated and those found to have broken the law, jailed. Until then I put them in the all talk and no action category.

3. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries was in a meeting and he asked AG Merrick Garland about election integrity. Jeffries basically stated that the 2020 election was the safest and most secure election in our history and that there is no evidence of fraud (Jeffries said of fraud that made a difference), and Garland agreed with the assessment. Jeffries used his introduction to implore the AG to look into states that have passed laws that Jeffries claims make it harder for people to vote. I would be happy to debate Jeffries concerning his assertions any time he wants. He should be prepared to demonstrate how asking for ID and making sure people do not cheat keeps people from voting. What it does is keep people from voting multiple times and keeps the dead from casting ballots. That is why Jeffries is opposed.

Keep in mind, there is no way Joe Biden received 81 million votes. There is plenty of evidence of fraud and saying there is not does not change the facts.

4. The 6 January commission is a sham and is obviously a political game designed to stymie Donald Trump and those who support him. They are going after Steve Bannon but could as easily come after any of you. If I were he the only words they would hear are; “I don’t recall.”

5. Donald Trump is launching his own social media platform. If you are interested here is the link.

6. Speaking of elections and integrity (since Jeffries mentioned it), Congress is trying to pass legislation designed to remove the control of elections from the states and put it under Congress. This would violate the Constitution but that does not concern the Dem-Commies because they do not follow it. The legislation ran into a roadblock as Senate Republicans have filibustered and will not allow it to move forward. The Democrats are crying that Republicans are preventing the security of our elections, the same security Hakeem Jeffries just said was not an issue. The real issue here is the Dem-Commies saw how to control the elections and now they want to codify their crime. They cheated bigly in the 2020 election. They saw how they were easily able to use mail in ballots to get millions more votes than were actually cast. They saw how they were able to put a demented old fool in office and how the courts ignored it and the media gaslit America. Now that they know it works they want to make it the law so they can use it all the time to ensure eternal power.

It is no secret that the Dem-Commies cheat and ignore the law. Hell, they flaunt breaking the law. Case in point, Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams are using about 300 black churches in Virginia to run political messages for Terry McAuliffe. This violates the law and puts each church at risk for loss of its tax exemption. But the risk outweighs the reward. The IRS rarely enforces such things (unless a Republican does it, then they run a SWAT team in) so the risk is minimal. But Harris was a prosecutor. She knows it is illegal and I am sure Abrams does as well. They are deliberately breaking the law to get McAuliffe elected. The article says Democrats know it is illegal but will do whatever they need to in order to win.

You mean like rigging a presidential election? You mean like stuffing ballot boxes and using computers to change votes? You mean like all the things we saw in the Arizona audit? They are showing you they will cheat. Is it so hard to believe that this is the first time? After watching Biden for nine months is there any doubt they cheated? I bet they cut a deal with Jill. Let us use this demented fool to take back the White House and we will not prosecute him, you or the other Chinese criminals in your family.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
