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Round Up Star Date 2021.280

Before we begin, the Army and the federal government are lying to employees. Soldiers and civilians are being lied to about an approved vaccine as the government is passing off the Pfizer EUA as authorized and mandating it be taken. In addition, soldiers are being told they can take the two shot series from different manufacturers. This is wrong and contradicts the CDC. I guess we only follow the science when it is political science.

And away we go…..

1. A Texas Judge, an Obama judge, has ordered that the Texas Heartbeat Act be put on hold until it plays out in the court systems. The judge found, as did the Supreme Court decades ago, words in the Constitution allowing the federal government to deal with abortion (note the sarcasm here).

“A person’s right under the Constitution to choose to obtain an abortion prior to fetal viability is well established,” wrote Pitman, an Obama appointee. “Fully aware that depriving its citizens of this right by direct state action would be flagrantly unconstitutional, the State contrived an unprecedented and transparent statutory scheme to do just that.”

The Constitution does not mention abortion and it does not give the federal government say over the subject. The issue is a Tenth Amendment issue and belongs to the states. But this was highjacked decades ago by activist tyrants in robes. These are the SAME tyrants who will tell you that states have the right to infringe upon the right to KEEP and BEAR arms even though that right is specifically listed and protected in the US Constitution. Imagine how the left would howl if a pro Second Amendment ruling from a judge stated;

“A person’s right under the Constitution to choose to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is well established,” wrote A CONSTITUTIONAL JUDGE, a CONSERVATIVE appointee. “Fully aware that depriving its citizens of this right by direct state action would be flagrantly unconstitutional, the State contrived an unprecedented and transparent statutory scheme to do just that.”

The left would howl and the feds would be falling all over themselves to tell you the state has the right to do such things.

Look at how they are going after Kyle Rittenhouse for exercising his right to defend himself. An expert testified the shootings were justified. The left will still try to hang him.

2. In response to the Texas law, a politician in Pennsylvania (Christopher Rabb, ID10T PA) has introduced legislation to force sterilization upon men one they have sired three children or attain the age of 40. This is supposed to be a demonstration of how the lives of men will be affected by applying the same standards as the anti abortion laws like the one in Texas. This chuckle head could not be farther off base if he tried. He thinks he is cute with his stupidity but the reality is abortion affects a third party, the unborn (and unwanted) child. If a man and woman want to have children they should be free to have as many as they can afford. I guess this lawmaker is trying to tell us that if we sterilize men they will not be able to impregnate women who are then forced to get abortions if they do not want children. What a novel idea but instead of sterilizing men, who by the way have no say in whether a woman carries a child to term (but will pay if she does), why not sterilize a woman who gets an abortion. Then the issue will be solved. As an aside, I would like to know exactly how this guy would carry out the law. I can imagine that if I were told that they were going to sterilize me after a third child or because I turned 40, the person who tried that would suffer a very late term abortion.

3. A worker’s strike at all Kellogg’s cereal plants has disrupted production of the company’s products. There has been a year long dispute over wages and benefits as well as movement of jobs out of the country. The article claims that the average employee at Kellogg makes $120,000 per year. Perhaps some of the nurses who are no longer heroes because they declined the Fauci Ouchy should apply for jobs there. It looks like the pay is pretty good and they will not have to deal with all the abuse the health care system (and its users) subject nurses to on a daily basis. I would like to see all of the nation’s nurses, vaccinated or not, go on strike in a demonstration of solidarity. They could all pick one day and just not show for work, call out sick or whatever. If they all got fired the system would collapse so that will not happen. It is time the nursing staff stood up to the tyranny and demonstrated how valuable they are. Unfortunately, people will care more about whether their favorite breakfast cereal is available than whether a nurse was fired for not being vaccinated. Until they need one, of course…

4. America dodged a bullet when Mitch McConnell refused to consider the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. This guy is a Nazi who interferes in the business of the states. He is using the law enforcement agencies of the government as weapons against the states and their people. A teacher’s union has requested that the USAG look into parent opposition to Critical Race Theory and call those parents Domestic Terrorists. Yes, if you oppose the indoctrination of your children then you are to be labeled a terrorist. Garland is having the FBI look into this issue. He says that there are threats being made and it is unacceptable for people to make threats towards public officials. No mention from this putz about government officials threatening the citizens. I guess with this Storm Trooper it is perfectly OK then. Let us suppose that some people are being threatened. That would make this a LOCAL issue. The school boards and the teacher’s unions are not part of the federal system. Therefore, it is not up to the FBI to look into, it is up to the local law enforcement agencies. There have likely been few, if any, actual threats. The threat here is that parents are finally getting involved and speaking up. That frightens school boards and teachers because they think they have complete control and any opposition by the rightful masters is terrifying. Here is a clue, do your job and stop telling our children they are oppressors or the oppressed. Circle Back Psaki tried to deflect the questions about this but there is no doubt this is an issue the Biden Regime is deliberately involved in. In any event, I am thankful that Garland never got to the Supreme Court. He is an anti American Nazi. As a side note, Garland has a conflict here. Maybe the ethics folks can talk to him…

5. The teachers and Garland are not the only ones who think your children belong to them ala Hillary Clinton’s “It takes a village”. The state of California seems to think it owns the children of its parents. Gavin Newsom has dictated that all school children must get the Covid vaccine. This applies to all ages as soon as the experimental jab is authorized for them. This is NOT based in science. Children are the least likely to get or transmit Covid. When they get it the course is usually fairly mild and they almost always survive. There are no long term studies to show how this vaccine will affect people. It is one thing to have a 70 or 80 year old taking vaccines. They will not be around when things turn up. Children have their entire lives ahead of them and they will live a life of misery if these vaccines are given to them. We already know that the vaccines cause cardiac problems in young males. California could have recalled Newsom but they cheated him to a victory. Now they can live with the consequences. This includes declining school enrollment, more homeschooling and smaller school groups that will be taught by teachers who refuse to get the jab. Maybe this stupidity will break the union and rid us of their communist manifesto.

6. The federal government has denied its citizens access to life saving drugs known to effectively treat Covid. While the US government is withholding Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from people who have a RIGHT to be treated as their doctors say, it is busy fighting for the alleged RIGHT to murder an unborn child. It appears as if the left wing in America is obsessed with killing off the population. Ivermectin is an effective treatment of Covid and it is being blocked for one purpose. It is blocked so the pharma companies can market an experimental vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization. If there is an approved, effective and available treatment then EUA cannot be granted. Have no fear though, Pfizer and Merck and reformulating and rebranding Ivermectin to treat Covid. Their pills will cost 175 times more than Ivermectin. Fauci will praise it and encourage its use even though, unlike Ivermectin, it will not be a proven drug with decades of success. Follow the money. About 500,000 lives could have been saved if Ivermectin were used and that would have cut into the pharma profit (and no doubt many government employees). Fauci and his ilk are responsible for those deaths. A hospital in New York refused to give Ivermectin to a patient that had not responded to the Covid treatment protocol. The man’s doctor ordered the drug and the hospital refused to give it even though a court ordered the drug be given. The man, who, by the way, was FULLY VACCINATED, died while it played out. The hospital ran out the clock and a man died. I hope his family sues the hospital for a zillion dollars and wins. I also hope whoever ignored the court’s order gets sent to prison for a long time.

7. I have discussed this before and now there is an article about it. The US is inflating Covid death numbers. It has been since the beginning and this is in order to control the population. They are doing the opposite with regard to vaccine deaths. In that case, they are deliberately underreporting in order to make it appear as if the vaccines are safe. If you have covid and die of any reason you are called a Covid death even if Covid had nothing to do with your death. This is true despite my many friends in some health care settings saying otherwise. The data and the instructions from the CDC leave no doubt that even if the death certificate does not list Covid the state will count the death as Covid when reporting so long as the person had Covid or was suspected of having it. This is an undeniable truth. It is also true that the federal government is using fuzzy math and reporting methods to downplay the number of deaths from the vaccines. The article is full of the information so I will not go over it here. Read the piece and see how your government is manipulating data and YOU.

8. More Democrat-Commie hypocrisy: Rashida Talib, “I am just wearing a mask because I have a republican tracker.” Interpreted: masks do not work and are used to control the sheep but I have to pretend or I will look like the hypocrite I am.

9. And finally in the news, a religious group is saying women should not be drafted into combat. I have long been against females serving in combat and combat related roles. Females are not built for the rigors of combat. Before I get bombarded with the “oh yeah, what about the girl who passed Ranger school or [fill in the blank here].” Yes there are women who can do this. They have to be the most exceptional and for every woman who makes it there are literally thousands of males who do not have to work as hard to make it. But, but, if she passed she should be able to go into combat. Females are not built to withstand the rigors of combat. That is a truth of biology. There are plenty of support roles that women can fill that are not combat roles. The Gatekeepers quote Biblical verse to tell us why women should not be drafted into combat. This narrow minded view assumes that if women get drafted then they will go into combat. We can have the women sign up for the draft and NOT be drafted into combat roles. I digress. I am opposed to women in combat but I think if we demand equality then women should be required to sign up for the draft. If our armed forces are hell bent on putting women into combat then they should certainly be able to be drafted for it. That is, after all, what they mean by equality, right?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
