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Round Up Star Date 2021.273

1. Australia was once a penal colony, it is once again. The Deputy Premier of New South Wales in Australia stated that some people do not want to be vaccinated and they will lose their freedoms. They have until 11 October to get the inoculation or they will lose their freedoms. They took a lot of firearms away from people there and have strict rules about the ones people can own. That is why the US government wants to disarm its citizens and once they do we will become a penal colony. Joe Biden is already ignoring the Constitution and dictating what people must do like any other tyrant so imagine how much worse it would be if they knew you probably couldn’t shoot them…

2. I told you and now you have confirmation as to why there were so many Covid cases and why so many of the deaths were labeled as Covid even though they were not. The criteria for reporting deaths on death certificates was changed as the plandemic hit and that meant a lot of people were called a Covid death even if that is not what killed them. The flu was practically non existent last year. I heard a doctor say it was because we were all wearing masks and social distancing. That is a crock of bull squirt. If those actions practically eliminated the flu then why did they NOT practically eliminate Covid? Both are very contagious respiratory infections and yet masks nearly ended the flu as Covid cases went through the roof. A logical person can figure out that tens of thousands of flu cases were labeled as Covid, especially early on when there was no way to test for Covid. Add that to the fact that the tests used had a 50% false positive rate and bingo, you have a lot of cases and the call for tyranny. If we used Ivermectin and HCQ early on we could have saved a lot of lives and cured a lot of people. Follow the money.

3. The democrat communists are causing Pelosi heartburn and I love it. The Dem-Commies, led by Bernie Sanders, are threatening to derail Biden’s infrastructure bill if they do not get their way with a 3.5 TRILLION spending bill that is full of left wing wish lists and payoffs to their supporters. This is played off as some kind of struggle between the moderates, the few that are left, and the far left loonies in the party. No matter what it actually is the most important thing that is involved is that they are playing these games with OUR money! They are fighting back and forth over who will spend more of our money and how they will tax people to pay for this. As an aside, Circle back Psaki was asked about businesses that are taxed passing that cost on to consumers. She said that would be unfair. This is what happens when people are not taught basic economics. ALL costs of a business are passed on to the consumer. Labor, overhead, products and all other aspects are passed on PLUS a margin to earn a profit. This is the problem. The Dem-Commies engage in static analysis. They think if they do something there will be no response and the result will be what they said it would. The reality is, people engage in dynamic responses. If something is done they react in their best interests. This is why the estimates the government gives you never reflect reality. If we are fortunate this Dem-Commie infighting will sink all the spending bills.

4. One would think the potential failure of their infrastructure bill would bother Dem-Commies because they are worried about the welfare of the nation but if that is the thinking one would be wrong. Dem-Commies are more concerned that the failure of the infrastructure will make Donald Trump even more popular. The dem-Commies and a bunch of RINOs sunk Trump’s infrastructure bill. That man is responsible for building things and has been for decades. He is a developer so his infrastructure dealt with, you know, actual infrastructure. The uniparty could not have that. Silly Trump, didn’t he know bills have names to fool the public but their real purpose is to make politicians wealthier, pay off their friends and fund worthless programs on the wish list? The article says Trump’s popularity is flatlining and this would give him a boost. That is an alternate reality view of things. Biden is crashing before our eyes while tens of thousands show up to listen to Trump. This is why the social media platforms removed Trump, they needed to silence him. It is all part of the Communist plan.

5. Does Pelosi suffer from dementia like Joe Biden or did she let the cat out of the bag? San Fran Nan stuttered while answering a question and said she wanted to keep the government open to fulfill the “Obama Agenda” of “Build Back Better”. Did Pelosi suffer an age related brain cramp or did she tell us who is really behind the destruction of America? It is all an orchestrated plan that started with a stolen election and will end in another civil war because Americans will not tolerate this BS.

6. I do not have access to Twitter so I would be curious if any of these stories have a “this is a false story” tag by the low lifes at Twitter? I am hearing that none of the stories that say Border Patrol Agents used whips or struck people with the reins (both of which are demonstrably false) have any kind of tag showing the information is untrue. Twitter locked down a major US newspaper last year over an absolutely true story about Hunter Biden’s laptop (in order to help demented Joe) but has chosen not to label anything contrary to its political beliefs as untrue. Facebook has done the same thing. I do not see tags saying that these stories have been fact checked as false. So when Facebook tells you that these fact checkers are “independent” take that with a grain of salt. They have the same agenda as Facebook and the truth is not part of that agenda.

7. Health care workers around the nation are losing their jobs because they refuse to get the inoculation. In New York the clueless governor says she will call up National Guard members with medical training to fill in at the hospitals. Let us assume she means people who are doctors, nurses and paramedics and not soldiers who have first aid training. Does she NOT realize these people already work for the health care system in some capacity? If she calls them to active duty she will be removing them from one location and putting them in another. That will NOT solve the problem. This is the problem with people who do not know what they are doing being in charge. I see really tough times ahead for people who need medical care at hospitals and doctor’s offices. There will be a shortage that will make the pandemic fiasco look like a holiday. Remember, all those health care workers were heroes when they came in to treat patients at the height of the pandemic. Now they are expendable. Next time there is a pandemic, health care workers should refuse to work until there is a vaccine…

8. The government keeps saying it follows the science. This is the rally cry they use when they impose some mandate. The FDA ruled that people over 65 and those at high risk could get a booster vaccine but there was no evidence to show anyone else should get it. The follow the science CDC and Biden Regime blew that off and decided anyone could get a booster. These people absolutely follow the science;

Political Science!

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
