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Round Up Star Date 2021.263

1. Judges in North Carolina decided that the State’s voter ID requirements were discriminatory because minorities do not have ID cards so they must be the ones targeted by evil Republicans. The ruling will be appealed and saner judges will overrule this nonsense. First of all this is 2021. Tell me how any person in the US makes it through any year without having to show ID for something. You have to show ID to enroll in classes, get on a plane, buy alcohol or tobacco and you have to show ID to buy a firearm. So unless the law requiring an ID is discriminatory for the gun buyers it can’t be for voters. This is 2021. It is easy to get an ID and most places that require them to vote will provide them FREE OF CHARGE. The reality is the court in this case is the racist in the room. They assume people of color are not bright enough to get an ID. And the article mentions how this affects the poor. The poor had to have ID to sign up for the many generous welfare benefits the taxpayers are forced to provide. I imagine none of them complained about needing ID to get free money. So spare me. If you do not have an ID to vote it is because you were too lazy to go get one. Seems to me these democrat cheater groups could take people to get IDs instead of stealing their ballots and voting for them. Judges are tyrants in black robes.

2. When the plandemic started I monitored Sweden and I reported regularly (before Facebook put me in jail) that Sweden was not locking people down and that they were not any worse off than places that did. I also mentioned that the only thing they lamented was not protecting the elderly more at the beginning. They did it right and by so doing they are reporting no deaths from Covid. They are getting rid of any vaccines that are left because no one wants them. They can do that since they do not have a Fauci trying to increase vax rates to get more money from the investments. If this nation, an allegedly advanced nation, would have protected the vulnerable and left everyone else alone (as I preached from the beginning) we would be done with this but then again there would have been no fear porn to allow the cheating in the election…

3. Indiana’s biggest hospital system has parted ways with 125 staff members who refused to get the Covid Vaccine. I imagine the hospital will be begging for help when they cannot replace the talent they chased out the door. Here is a statement that makes me laugh:

“Indiana University Health has put the safety and well-being of patients and team members first by requiring employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 1,” IU Health said in a Sept. 16 statement. “After a two-week unpaid suspension period ending Sept. 14, a total of 125 employees, the equivalent of 61 full-time employees, chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and have left the organization.”

Indiana University Health, like every other health system in the nation, did not put the well being of its team members first when they forced them all to come in all through the worst part of the pandemic. The system did not give a second thought to how many team members were being placed in harm’s way as long as they kept pumping out Covid cases to get the system higher reimbursements form the government. Every team member put themselves and their families at risk in order to show up every single day to do their jobs. Now that there is a vaccine they are all of the sudden a burden and have to be let go. I say the next time there is a pandemic the staff refuses to work until there is a vaccine. Soon there will be shortages across the nation. Some of the folks will be asked to come back and not forced to get a shot. They should request double the salary to do so.

4. Other emergency responders are in the same situation. Firefighters in Gainesville Florida must be vaccinated by 31 October or they will be terminated. These are the people who run into burning buildings, stand on busy highways pulling people out of wrecks and who rush toward disasters like Hurricane Ida. If these folks go who will do the job? Imagine how it will be when a house is on fire and the fire department can’t respond because they were all terminated for not getting a vaccine they did not need to work during all of the pandemic. I only hope the burning houses, wrecked vehicles and disasters affect the people responsible for this. Maybe if no one can respond to their emergencies they will see things differently. Just like with medical staff, when they call you to come back demand they double your pay.

7. Democrats are very upset because the Senate Parliamentarian said their scheme to give citizenship to illegals through reconciliation cannot be done. As soon as Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough reported her decision the left went bonkers. They immediately started saying that it is only a recommendation and should be ignored. Bomb vest wearing terrorist Congress Critter Ilhan Omar tweeted; “We can’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to do the right thing.” So to this dingbat it is OK to do the wrong thing (ignore the Parliamentarian) to do what she thinks is the right thing. Keep in mind that these are the people who said Donald Trump was a dictator and that he ignored the law and the rules. They impeached him over a phone call with a claim that he violated the rules (he did not). Is this the new norm? If I decide that I can carry a firearm anywhere I want gun control laws to the contrary be damned, will Omar and the others ignore my disregard for the law because I think it is the right thing to do? BTW, I believe all citizens should be able to carry a firearm anywhere they want, any time they want. But you see the point. Can we ignore the rules if it is what we consider the “right thing”?

8. RINO Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana is telling the Republican base to forget about the election fraud that took place in 2020 and concentrate on 2024. He claims that if we do not let it be we will lose in 2024. If we do not fix it we will lose in 2024 because if they cheated once they will cheat again but don’t tell the Senator that he might not be done eating the paste. We are capable of doing more than one thing at a time Senator. We can focus on 2024 and still hold people accountable for the law breaking that took place. Folks who do not live in political fantasy land are able to do more than one thing at a time. Why is it that Congress Critters always want to excuse illegal behavior (especially if they are the ones who still have a seat)? Imagine hearing these words at different times in history. Senator Cassidy says to ignore Pearl Harbor or we might lose the war. Senator Cassidy says to ignore 9/11 or we might lose to the terrorists. On that one he might be right. Twenty years ago when we went into Afghanistan women and girls could not attend school, were subservient to men and treated as property and sold into marriage. Billions of dollars and too many deaths and injuries later and that is now exactly what is taking place. Maybe guys like Cassidy should focus on their own things and stop telling us what to concern ourselves with.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
