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Covid And Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.264

1. A whistleblower has come forward to Project Veritas and reported that many people are being harmed by the Covid vaccines but government is sweeping the information under the mat. Obvious vaccine related injuries are not being associated with the shots in order to keep pushing them on the unsuspecting public. The adverse reactions are NOT being reported and that means more people are going to get sick, many will die. Read this article and tell me how this is not pure evil. Keep in mind these doctors and nurses are federal employees at HHS.

O’Malley: “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?” ~ Project Veritas

Read it and ask yourself, would your government really do this? If you think the government has your best interests at heart you are wrong. Ask the black population about Tuskegee or the Indians about smallpox infected blankets.

2. The government is hiding the damage done by the vaccines but it has been playing us all along. The 6 foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on anything other than when told it should be between 3 and 6 feet they took 6. They originally wanted ten but decided people would not know how to estimate that and would never buy it. Most of what they are doing is based on what was done during the 1918 pandemic. Over 100 years and they are doing the same thing that resulted in the deaths of millions of people. This has always been about control. They needed an event to use to control people through fear and thus be able to cheat in the 2020 election. You do not have to believe that but I weep for anyone who can see all the evidence and ignore the reality. The entire process was for tyrants to control you and in the process they cost entities billions of dollars, destroyed businesses and ruined lives. They did this to control you. If you think government would not do this for power you are one of the sheep.

3. Pfizer is not content on poisoning the adult population, now it has its sights set on the children. Pfizer is seeking approval to give the experimental vaccine to children ages 5-11. They continue to tell the lie that the vaccine is safe and effective (if they cannot tell you how it will affect you in the future they are lying about it being safe). Right now the evidence shows the vaccine (is not really a vaccine) is not effective as the vaccinated are getting Covid and infecting others. Despite the CDC changing the definition of a vaccine the reality is a real vaccine provides immunity from infection. The two shot mRNA experimental shots have been touted as highly effective but now government and the manufacturer are demanding that booster shots be given. How many boosters will be required as the virus continues to affect the vaccinated? Israel is on its fourth booster. Children could be negatively affected by these drugs and you know the government will force kids to take them in order to go to school. I do not want to hear that other vaccines are mandated because those have been tested for years and years and found to be safe. The Fauci Ouchy is not tested in the long term. Boys and young men are suffering from heart problems associated with the jab even thought he government is not reporting it. How evil is it to know there is danger and still mandate people take it? The government tells you the risk outweighs the benefit. They do not get to decide my risk tolerance. Protect your children. You do not want your five year old to have multiple health issues in ten years because the government used him for research.

4. Australia is showing us the world model for fascism and it is not very different from the path the Israelis are taking. Australia has decided that boosters will be needed regularly and that people must have their vaccine passport updated routinely in order to be compliant. We were told two jabs are >90% effective. Then we were told without those jabs we could not participate in society and we were shown things like passports in order to do normal things. Now we are being told that those passports expire whenever government decides a new booster is needed and without the update to the passport we will be shunned from normal society. This is happening NOW in Australia and you can bet your next stimulus check that it is coming here. Chairman Biden of the CCP will demand boosters (his FDA said no for now but this is about politics not science so the boosters are coming) and if you do not get them you will not be in compliance. Imagine how many people will be required to get boosters. It will be all the ones that Biden just mandated to get the jab. All federal workers, companies with more than 100 employees and anyone else the Chairman directs. He did an end run around the Constitution and will keep doing so until we stand up and resist. They do not have the manpower to fight 170 million gun owners (this is why they want gun control) so a spark could make things interesting. Against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Right now Biden and his regime are domestic enemies. Say no to the jab. Fight or you will end up like Australians, locked in your homes or sick camps with police running around beating you into compliance. Now you know what happens when they take away your means to resist.

5. Finally in vaccine news, people in Maui Hawaii are protesting to keep Maui free from vaccine mandates. This grass roots movement grew from hundreds to thousands as people on the island (a place that gets a lot of money from tourism) decided to protest the things that have taken away their livelihoods, their businesses and their money. Good for them but Hawaii is a huge blue liberal state that votes for the very tyrants who imposed this on them. Even if these people get what they want right now you can bet the farm that they will still vote for Democrats in the next election. They will continue to vote for the people who are oppressing them. As the forest got smaller and smaller the trees voted to keep the axe there. He must be ok, they claimed, because his handle is made of wood. The hogs run toward a farmer every day to be fed. He brings the food and they come running. They are excited to see the very person who will butcher them one day. Thus it is with liberals who continue to put people in office who will one day knife them in the back. I hope they not only get what they want with their protests but that they also wake the hell up.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
