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Congressman Raskin is a Typical Swamp Creature

Congressman Jamie Raskin of the People’s Republic of Maryland (8th CD) is a fairly low life POS. A new report shows that his wife sold 1.5 MILLION dollars worth of stock that he did not report until well after the sale. The sale took place December 2020 and was not reported until August of 2021. This is well after it is supposed to be reported according the the STOCK Act. But let’s face it, members of Congress ignore that and many other laws and get rich with insider trading and other activities. This appears to be a reporting issue but it is a violation nonetheless. Imagine if Republican colleague of his were running for president and did the same thing. There is no doubt Raskin would exploit it and bludgeon his colleague with it.

Raskin claims that he was otherwise occupied with the death of his son. His son Thomas took his own life in late December of 2020. The death of one’s child is horrific and not to be made light of so it is not, in most circumstances, unreasonable to allow some flexibility while the Raskin’s dealt with their grief. But this is not an ordinary circumstance. You see, Raskin buried his son on 5 January 2021 and was at the Capitol the next day for the electoral vote count. He was there during the mostly peaceful protest and he drafted an article of impeachment later that day for Trump’s second political theater impeachment. Raskin was named the lead impeachment manager less than a week later. Surely, if Raskin was able to do all of this in his grief he could have had an assistant (you know they don’t fill those out themselves) submit the report of the stock sale. I get that he lost his son but his ability to do all these other things at the time he claims his grief got in the way of reporting the stock sale casts doubt on his excuse and gives the appearance he is using that death to excuse the fact that he violated the law thus the lowlife POS claim).

The 2020 election was not free or fair and it was rife with cheating that allowed Biden to be declared the winner. He did not get anywhere near 81 million votes. It requires a willful suspension of disbelief to accept that he got more votes than the first black man (Obama) and first woman (Clinton) to run for the presidency. A nearly 50 year failed politician who was rejected for the presidency several times did not win in 2020. The evidence keeps mounting up no matter how many times they tell you otherwise. And the Vice President had the authority to reject certifications that were suspect. But Raskin, an alleged (former) constitutional law professor has this to say:

“We have to talk about fascism in U.S. democracy because we clearly have a fascistic movement,” Raskin advised. “We have a political party that has positioned itself outside of the constitutional order and does not accept the outcome and the results of elections that do not favor them. And that’s an essentially fascist attitude when you reject the basic premise of democracy that we accept the official and legitimate results of an election. And you don’t keep questioning the courts and questioning all of the counts in order to rev up your troops and to propagandize them.” Breitbart

Hey professor, we are a Republic and if you want to talk fascism then it points right back to stealing the election which many fascists regularly do. I know you think anyone who objected to the certification of Biden is a fascist. I however, think operatives from the government started the riot at the Capitol and the police were instructed to let people in so that it would disrupt the process so that members who were objecting to the 2020 election results would back down and not be able to present evidence of the wrong doing which would give the Vice President the ability to send them back to be checked (or for electors to vote for Trump instead). It is not beyond our government to run these kinds of operations. You [the government] have done it before (here and abroad) and you will do it again.

But Jamie, the very position you have taken since the 2020 election, that it cannot be objected to, that anyone who does is a fascist and that the VP is a figurehead who rubber stamps the results of the states (in true Banana Republic style) is at odds with Jamie Raskin in 2017. After Donald Trump crushed Hillary Clinton (if you all would have thought he was a strong candidate you would have cheated more for Hillary) in 2016 a new Congress Critter named Jamie Raskin joined several other members of the House and objected to the certification of the 2016 election results because they believed that Trump was colluding with the Russians and that they helped him win and engaged in voter suppression. You didn’t get the result you wanted so you questioned the results of the election and said it was fraudulent.

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, you fascist bastard (your standard dude).

Joe Biden, then the Vice President, ruled you out of order because an objection must include a member form each chamber and there was no Senator as part of the objection. I would think a former constitutional law professor would know that and would get one of the liberal Trump haters in the Senate (a fellow fascist if you will) to object. If you had your ducks in a row I bet you would have tried to make a case to send the certifications back to the states so they could check for fraud and you would have presented any evidence you believed backed your claim.

But rules for thee and not for me, eh Jamie?

This brings us full circle to the stock sale. There are not only rules but actual laws that require members of Congress to report stock sales in a timely manner. This law exists because members of Congress were engaging in insider trading (and still do). Anyone with a brain can see that you do not get rich on a Congress Critter’s salary unless you are engaging in questionable behavior (to put it mildly).

No young man should go into politics if he wants to get rich or if he expects an adequate reward for his services. An honest public servant can’t become rich in politics. He can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service. Page 306 of Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman (from a 1954 diary entry)

Honest public servant Jamie. I never worried about Trump because he was rich when he got there. I worry about the people who get rich AFTER they get elected. You seem to be in that arena Jamie. 1.5 MILLION dollars in stock as compensation to your spouse who, interestingly, has served in government. What were they paying for, access?

In any event, your failure to follow the law must be investigated by the ethics committee and charges brought if warranted. Some form of punishment MUST result from this infraction. The evidence does not support your claims of grief interfering with your ability to follow the law so you must face the music. Even if it did your delay is well past any reasonable allowance for grief.

You see Jamie, I have not forgotten what you and your fellow Democrats have said over the past 5 or so years.

No one is above the law.

I close by saying I think he will skate. They never follow the rules and the statement that no one is above the law is not one they believe. It is a convenient phrase when they want to attack an opponent. Otherwise most of these swamp rats would be in jail because they are all crooked.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
