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You Might Just Be A Liberal

With all due respect to Jeff Foxworthy, I have decided to try a few lines along the lines of his “You might just be a redneck” schtick. In case you are unfamiliar (and I imagine Northeast liberals and West Coast elitists might) the whole idea is to give an instance in which one might be a redneck. Jeff would say something like “If you mow your lawn and find a car, you might just be a redneck.” So here is a new take on the idea.

  • If you think that putting a convicted murderer to death is wrong but there is absolutely nothing wrong with abortion, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you don’t know one person who voted for Ronald Reagan when he won by a landslide, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think driving an SUV is worse for the environment than flying all over the world to discuss Global Warming, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think the UAE running our ports poses a national security problem but millions of illegal aliens crossing our borders at will do not, you just might just be a liberal.
  • If you think Hillary Clinton’s views are moderate and that she has always been a moderate, you just might be a liberal.
  • If you think that giving amnesty to people who broke the laws entering our country will curb the flow of illegals, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you call illegal immigants “undocumented workers” so as to not hurt their feelings, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think that Ted Kennedy is not a hypocrite for membership in a boys only club while bashing Judge Alito for allegations of the same thing, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think Ted Kennedy has any right to discuss women’s issues even though he murdered one, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think anything Ted Kennedy says makes sense, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you believe that the government spends more money on the military than education, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think the solution for every problem is for the government to throw more taxpayer dollars at it, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think George Bush is an “idiot”, “stupid”, and a “chimp”, but that he was cunning enough to manipulate information from most major intelligence agancies in order to go to war, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think that al Qaeda had nothing to do with Iraq but an aspirin factory in the Sudan did, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think the government knows how to better spend your money than you do, you might just be a liberal.
  • If you think the economy is in bad shape despite numbers that show the opposite, you might just be a liberal.

Now it is your turn. Chime in with your “you might just be a liberal” analogies.
As always, I welcome you comments.

Stop the ACLU

[tags]liberal, redneck, George Bush, war[/tags]