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You Can’t Handle The Health

Lawmakers are on “recess”, (makes you think of carefree children, playing on a playground- probably not far from the truth- the children part, anyway), and hopefully they are getting an earful from people who know that this “Healthcare” package is detrimental to virtually everyone it will affect; and it will affect virtually everyone. The main reason for this is that private insurers cannnot match the price that  the government can impose, thus driving these insurance companies out of business.

People who run small businesses will throw their employees into the “public” option, exacerbating the situation, and when you essentially “dump” 20- 46 million new people into an existing infrastructure, without having the commensurate number of doctors added to the mix, you have a problem that all the smooth language of our brainless leader cannot solve.

Meanwhile, the members of Congress, all but one, have opted to keep their medical insurance, foregoing the public option they keep reassuring us is really good. Listen, you didn’t believe it when you were little, and your mom said strained peas were tasty, especially when she wouldn’t take a bite, so why would you believe this?

Too much, too fast, too expensive. Those are some of the objections lawmakers have voiced against the healthcare overhaul Democrats are attempting on Capitol Hill.

But many Americans think Congress is out of touch. How, they wonder, can lawmakers empathize with the underinsured or those lacking insurance when they receive a benefits package — heavily subsidized by taxpayers — that most of us can only envy?

Among the advantages: a choice of 10 healthcare plans that provide access to a national network of doctors, as well as several HMOs that serve each member’s home state. By contrast, 85% of private companies offering health coverage provide their employees one type of plan — take it or leave it.

Lawmakers also get special treatment at Washington’s federal medical facilities and, for a few hundred dollars a month, access to their own pharmacy and doctors, nurses and medical technicians standing by in an office conveniently located between the House and Senate chambers.

In all, taxpayers spent about $15 billion last year to insure 8.5 million federal workers and their dependents, including postal service employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management.


There will be unintended consequences- for one thing, all the plans Congress has at its disposal are, for the moment, private plans, and they rely not on Congress to keep them afloat and profitable, but millions of regular people to share the risk. If Congress succeeds in forcing millions of people onto a public plan, there will not be enough people to make Congress’ plans sustainable for their own health- they will in effect, have forced themselves onto the public option, or they will have to subsidize an insurance company.

This could be funny, as they try to undo their own laws, or forge a “special” exemption for federal workers- I mean, Federal workers, from the Resident on down, already enjoy health coverage anyone else would envy.

In all, taxpayers spent about $15 billion last year to insure 8.5 million federal workers and their dependents, including postal service employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management.

Generous plans are available in private industry. But the federal coverage far surpasses that enjoyed by 70 million Americans who are underinsured and at financial risk in the event of a major health crisis — not to mention the estimated 46 million who have no medical insurance.

“For the average worker, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan would probably look quite attractive,” said Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, a pinch-penny advocacy group.

Indeed, a question often surfaces: Why can’t everyone enjoy the same benefits as members of Congress? The answer: The country probably couldn’t afford it — not without reforms to bring costs way, way down.


So once again, we see that these hypocrites that want us to sacrifice, and ration our health, will not do the same when it comes to their families. Why should we believe them, when they tell us  that the fire doesn’t burn, when they won’t stick their hand in the flames? The very fact that they are not willing to use the same care package that we the people do, should make anyone with even a remedial brainstem ask why not.

The old saying,  “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” is applicable here, and this plan should be summarily rejected out of hand. This plan is truly not about the people, but a blatant power grab to gain more control over the American people and their options. This is all about the government wanting more control over your lives and your choices. You see, they know better than you, because they truly believe they are smarter than you.

Until The Resident, and ALL his minions, czars, lackeys, and suck- ups are willing to go by the same rules that the rest of us have to, this proposed law should die the ugly death it deserves, and ANY member of Congress that votes for this obamanation of a bill should be immediately impeached for high crimes against the American people.

Because anyone who votes for this bill is a traitor, plain and simple.
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