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Would This Be A Preemptive Strike?

The left went nuts over our attack on Iraq claiming that we should not engage in preemptive strikes. They went along with it all until public sentiment started to change and then they all claimed they were tricked into voting for the war by a guy they all think is stupid. Iraq was not the first time we attacked a country that did not attack us. Japan attacked us in 1941 and we went to war with them and Germany. Germany did not attack us.

In any event, the left was dead set against the idea, at least when it was politically helpful to do so. But now they are in control and occupy the seat at the top. Things might be a little different now. The Navy is prepared to shoot down any missile that North Korea launches if Obama gives the go ahead.

The North Koreans claim they are going to send a satellite into space and the Navy says that if it is a satellite it will be left alone but if the missile is determined not to be one they will shoot it down if Obama gives the order.

This puts Obama in a tough spot. He and his ilk opposed the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strikes so if Obama decides to shoot down a missile he will basically be doing the same thing. In reality, unless that missile is heading for us or our interests we need to leave it alone. If we shoot it down then we are taking a preemptive posture.

Now I am not opposed to preemption and I think there would be no problem shooting down any missile launched just to assert our power and make the NOKs think before doing something stupid. If Obama and the Democrats had not opposed preemption I would not care what they do but since they did oppose it, they need to be held accountable for any act of preemption.

You can bet that if he shoots it down all the libtards who chastised Bush will be rationalizing The Evil Won’s actions. It will also show the value of missile defense, a program the Democrats want to scale down or eliminate.

It would not surprise me if Obama gives the order to shoot it down. Preemption was something Bush believed in.

And so far, Obama has kept a lot of Bush’s policies and practices in place.

ABC News

Big Dog

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