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Will They Exempt Radical Muslims?

South Carolina is looking to move closer to the big brother world where thoughts and ideas are punished. A piece of legislation is out there that requires organizations (defined as 2 or more members of a group) that have beliefs which include the overthrow of the US government, to register with the state.

I don’t see where it is any of the state’s business what your group believes. If you believe that it is OK to overthrow the government then that is your right. If you actually try to do that you will have problems and that is when you should be dealt with.

Do we require people who belong to groups that want to commit crime to register that they believe it is OK to knock off banks and steal their money?

And how many of these groups would actually register? If you believe that you need to overthrow the government would you actually register with the government?

There are exemptions for groups (including religious groups) as long as they do not believe in overthrowing the government.

So will the radical Muslim groups be required to register? They believe that it is their duty to replace our system of government with Sharia Law so should they have to register?

Just as importantly, should the Democrat party (lead by Barack Obama) be required to register in South Carolina?

It is their intention to overthrow our government and replace it with their Socialist form of governance.

They are just as dangerous and any group defined in the South Carolina legislation.

The legislation is called the SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES REGISTRATION ACT and there is no group more subversive than the Democrat party.

Big Dog


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