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Why Wouldn’t Kerry Visit Our Enemy?

John Kerry is floating the idea of visiting Tehran. He would be the first high level person to visit there since 1979. Barack Obama said he would meet with Iran’s leader without preconditions and so far the diplomatic effort has been a dismal failure. Iran has balked at any discussions about its nuclear plans and has basically laughed in the face of Obama.

Iran has bought itself another year to work on its nuclear program which is, no doubt, a vehicle for developing nuclear weapons.

It should not surprise anyone that John Kerry would work on getting to Tehran. He has a history of going to meet our enemies. Who can forget that Kerry, as a Vietnam War protester, visited with the North Vietnamese while we were at war.

Kerry’s anti war antics likely earned him a dishonorable** discharge from the Naval Reserve. That Dishonorable Discharge would have been changed under a program that President Carter implemented. There is no way of telling because Kerry has not released his records for review even though he promised to do so. He probably does not want any embarrassing items circulating.

Regardless, this is par for the course for Kerry. He likes to visit with our enemies.

It should surprise no one.

**I indicated Dishonorable but it is likely he had a LESS THAN HONORABLE DISCHARGE, not a DISHONORABLE one.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog


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