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Who Do We Believe

The uproar over the movie The Path to 9/11 has caused the moonbats to come out of the woodwork. They insist that the movie contains lies and they are demanding that ABC cancel it. Bill Clinton said that ABC ought to tell the truth and Sandy Berger said that the items in it are lies.

So who do we trust? Given that Bill Clinton himself was unable to tell the truth and continued to lie until an unfortunate blue dress appeared, it is unlikely we can count on him to tell the truth. In typical moonbat style he demands that ABC tell the truth, a feat he himself was unable to accomplish.

Sandy Berger was caught stealing classified documents and putting other documents back into the National Archives. Given that he would go to such lengths to cover up mistakes and mislead the 9/11 Commission, is it hard to believe that he would lie about the items contained in the movie?

I will stick with the authors and the countless people who witnessed the events as reportedly depicted in the movie. I will be discussing this tonight on my radio program at Wide Awakes Radio starting at 9pm Eastern. Click on the mic on the left of the website to listen.