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Whether We Like It Or Not

… we remain a dominant military superpower…

Thus said Barack Obama earlier this week. It seems a strange choice of words coming from the leader of our country but then again, this guy is not the usual leader. I actually doubt the leader part though he is leading us into ruin.


This is a guy who loathes the military and has little need for it. He does not like military power and thinks that countries can all hold hands and get along. We have seen how well this strategy has worked with Iran but he continues to pursue it.

This explains why his statement describes us a a military superpower, whether we like it or not. He does not like America having a strong military. He does not like us being stronger than other countries. He does not think we should have strength and be more powerful than others.

His entire life’s work deals with redistribution and leveling the playing field. He wants to take from those who make money and give it to those who do not and he wants our military strength to be no more than the other countries.

We all, in the world of Barack, need to be equal.

This is unfortunate and it is even more unfortunate that this country elected a person who thinks we are too strong and who apologizes for us. Maybe this is why his wife thought America was mean and why she had never been proud of it. We are too strong.

I like this country being strong. I like us being a military superpower. I believe in peace through superior firepower.

Unfortunately, we are stuck (until 2012) with this community organizing Marxist who is on a path to destroy us.

Whether we like it or not…

Somebody else did not like the statement either.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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