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Where Is Dr. Obama’s Scalpel?

Barack Obama told us that John McCain wanted to take an ax to the budget and that he, Barack the Magnificent, would take a scalpel and he would go line by line in the federal budget to make cuts. Two and a half years into his first (and hopefully only) term and Obama has failed to do much cutting.

The first thing he did was raise things about 25% and then pretend that he was making cuts by backing off that number making it appear as if he cut when he was well ahead of what was taking place when he took office. In his time in office the deficit each year has been in the trillions of dollars and there is no end in sight as Democrats work hard to spend more and more to satisfy their need to continue to spend.

Democrats gain constituencies by promising free stuff which is only free to the people getting it. The rest of us must pay the bills for the free stuff Democrats give away. The Stimulus was nothing more than a nearly trillion dollar slush fund to pay off Democrat constituencies. We are in bad shape and things are continuing to decline as the so called experts act surprised at the news each month that is always “unexpected”. Perhaps if the economic news continues to be unexpected and the experts can’t understand what is going on then it is time to find real experts who know what they are doing.

Obama is telling us now that cutting is not going to solve our problems and this is his way of saying that we need to raise revenue. Raising revenue is Democrat speak for raising taxes.

Half of the workers in this country pay more than enough in taxes. The other half pays little of no taxes to the federal government and many pay no taxes and get money from the government. This is total redistribution of wealth and it is what Obama thinks is just and fair.

How about we have a fair tax code that requires ALL workers to pay a portion of their income in taxes. Close the loopholes and make everyone who earns wages pay taxes. We will increase revenue and then the people who benefit the most from Democrat wealth redistribution plans will see that things are not free.

However, the most important thing we can do is cut the spending at the federal level. Obama promised to go line by line but all he has done is expand government. Cutting is the way to go and we need an ax not a scalpel.

The only revenue problem we have is that half the workers do not pay any of the revenue. The real problem we have is a spending problem and that is where we need real change we can believe in.

We can’t just cut way to prosperity
We damn sure cannot spend our way to prosperity…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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