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Where Are Cain’s Accusers Now?

My friends at The Last Civil Right have a post up that asks a very interesting question. They want to know where all of Cain’s accusers are now. These women came out of the woodwork (or out of their trailers) to claim Cain had sexually harassed them and that they needed to set the record straight.

They were on TV, in the news, on the radio and anywhere else where the MSM would allow them to spout their unproven claims. They just had to make it known.

Cain left the race and they have not been heard from since. This is because they were operatives with a mission of getting Cain out of the race. None of the allegations have been proven and not one member of the media wing of the Democrat party saw fit to scrutinize these women and their claims.

Not one of those alleged journalists has bothered to look for these women now that Cain is gone. They were useful idiots and now they are no longer needed.

They accomplished their mission. Get rid of the black man. He was a Republican so he left the plantation and had to be assassinated.

They did it with character assassination and now they have slithered back under their rocks.

Hats off to musingsfromthegirlontheright for an excellent article.

Cave canem!
never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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