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What Goes Around

Last week there was a story about some secret prisons being run by the CIA. This information was in a story in the Washington Post. At the time, all I saw on the moonbat blogs was stories about how terrible it is that this is going on. This, they said, was a worrisome thing and the Administration is just taking us in the wrong direction.

I never read where any of them asked where the information came from. If these jails exist then it is a classified project. Why were these moonbats not jumping up and down asking who leaked the information? I don’t know who let it out though I suspect someone at the CIA is involved in an effort to get back at the President for his shake up of the organization after their miserable intelligence failure leading up to 9/11. In all probability, this is how the name of Valerie Plame was released.

Amazing as it might seem the left was not concerned with this leak. The supposed outing of a non-covert agent was big news to them because they were looking for pay dirt. Well, now someone is going to have to pay for this crime. Speaker Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Frist have directed the intelligence committees to look into this. They did not ask them to do it or say they should do it, they said an investigation will take place.

Let us hope that they find the person or persons involved and then the world can see what kind of partisan politics the moonbats play.

Read it at Drudge