What Does Obama Know That We Don’t?

The United States is in debt to the Chinese. Their president came to DC for a meeting with Barack Obama and he threw a state dinner for him. Obama had to do it because this guy is our landlord. He came to check on his holdings and the serfs attended to his needs.

Looks like Obama is raising his children to live under Chinese Communist rule (and the way we are going, they will probably rule us someday) as he had one of his daughters out there waving a Chinese Flag to honor Hu Jintao. Obama’s daughter Sasha is also learning the Chinese language (we have to have a ruling class even under Chinese rule) and she wanted to practice it by speaking to our landlord.

Sasha attended Hu’s welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn on Wednesday morning with friends and could be seen waving a Chinese flag excitedly as her father and Hu walked around the grounds.

The two presidents paused to visit when they reached the nine-year-old and her friends behind the rope line.

“Not every (child) has the opportunity to try out their first phrases of Chinese with the president of China, but she had that chance,” Rhodes said.

He said the anecdote illustrated Americans’ desire to get to know China better with more people studying the country and doing business there. al-Reuters via Yahoo

The last paragraph is misleading. What this really says is that Obama and his Democrats are selling us down the river to the Chinese with their out of control spending and that he is raising his daughter to be a ruler for the Chinese here in America.

I still believe that Spanish would be the best second language to learn because the way our government is handling the immigration crisis that is the only language that will be spoken here.

But I guess it is important to have a ruling elite who can communicate with our landlords…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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3 Responses to “What Does Obama Know That We Don’t?”

  1. he had one of his daughters out there waving a Chinese Flag to honor Hu Jintao

    I’m behind in keeping up with the news right now (Work and caregiving interfere!), and had no idea that one of BHO’s daughters was waving the flag of a foreign country.

    Not cute, IMO.

    Anti-American, too.

  2. Blake says:

    Unlike most others, I think it is we who hold all the cards- they can’t afford to have us default- it would bring them down also, and make them vulnerable to the Ruskies, and they cant have that.
    The next five years (IF THE MAYAN CALENDAR AND DOOMSDAY IS WRONG) will be interesting- if conservatives can actually stop the fiscal bleeding, we might have a chance, but already Owebamma is talking about MORE spending. The man is truly a poster child for special needs, because he just CAN’T get it.

  3. Blake says:

    And I still have trouble believing the menu that was the State Dinner, after all that hypocritical spewing about “healthy choices” for our children, the menu alone was about 9,000 calories.
    Subjecting their children to all of that would amount to child abuse, would it not?
    And let us not even mention the two-faced hypocrisy, or the bad manners in spending our guest’s money (after all- we do not have any)so lavishly.