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What Did This Student Do Wrong?

Jay from Stop the ACLU sent a link to a story he posted about a University of Florida student who was tasered after asking John Kerry a question. Kerry was there for some kind of town hall question and answer and the student asked him something about being in the Skull and Crossbones when George Bush was. It is unclear to me if the student was pro or anti Kerry and if the questions were asked to show that Kerry is scum or to support him. There is just not enough to determine that. However, it is clear to me that the student did nothing wrong. He questioned a politician and no matter how stupid the question is, he has a right to ask it. Not according to the law enforcement there.

This is totally uncalled for and Jay demands the ACLU do something because they are, after all, against tasers. I would not hold my breath Jay. This guy was not a Muslim, an ILLEGAL alien, or an obvious liberal wacko so he is not protected. If it turns out he is a conservative then he will be hanged in the morning. It was nice of Kerry to tell the police to leave the guy alone that he did not mind answering the questions. Oh wait, the coward did not do that. He just allowed this kid to be dragged off and tasered for asking a question. Of course, Kerry is the same horse’s ass who cuts line at the airport (I would be arrested if he cut in front of me and he would be in the hospital). What has this country come to when a citizen cannot ask a question of an elected official? I hope that this video helps this kid sue the school (or the law enforcement agency) and that he gets millions of dollars for the violation of his civil rights.

I also hope they fire every one of those jack booted gestapo cops. Hell, if they can put border patrol agents in jail for shooting drug running ILLEGALS, they should be able to put these cops in Abu Ghraib for violating the rights of a CITIZEN.

As Jay points out, today is Constitution Day. How ironic that the government would violate it in this fashion.

UPDATE: Mr. Tyler Antar left a comment that he was at this forum and that the video does not tell the whole story. He indicated that the student in it, Andrew Meyer, was not arrested for asking questions (as it appears in the video) and he left his email for me to ask a few questions or interview. I have sent him a few questions and asked him to wirte up what happened and I will post it. If this is not what it seems we want to get the truth. That is why I asked What did this student do wrong? So someone could tell me and it looks like Mr. Antar is the one to do so.

Big Dog

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