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We Need to Get Tougher on Muslim Professionals

It would seem that it is not bad enough that every Islamic jihad Joe wants to kill Americans and change our way of life forever. It is known that these terrorists do not attack for political reasons and, despite what the new British Prime Minister has to say, the attacks in London were committed by Muslims carrying out one of the finer traditions of Islam which is terror. The terrorists who are killing laugh at the idea that their actions are politically motivated because they have only one goal and that is to impose Islam and its Sharia Laws on the people of the US (and the rest of the non Muslim world for that matter). Perhaps we need to listen to them instead of worrying about feelings being hurt.

We in this country need to take a closer look at the people who are coming here and we need to pay particular attention to Muslim professionals (doctors, lawyers, nurses, etc) because Muslims professionals are being recruited to carry out acts of terror. The mayhem and potential disasters in London this past week were committed by doctors who had come to the UK to “work.” In reality, they were let is with less scrutiny because they had a profession and it was believed they only wanted to uphold the idea from Hippocrates Epidemics, Bk; “…to help, or at least to do no harm.” This was certainly not the case because these animals tried to kill a lot of people. As the plot thickened we found out that there been talks in Internet chat room of similar plans for harming the United States:

A group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened to use car bombs and rocket grenades in terrorist attacks in the United States during discussions on an extremist internet [sic] chat site.


One message read: “We are 45 doctors and we are determined to undertake jihad and take the battle inside America.

“The first target which will be penetrated by nine brothers is the naval base which gives shelter to the ship Kennedy.” This is thought to have been a reference to the USS John F Kennedy, which is often at Mayport Naval Base in Jacksonville, Florida. Telegraph UK

I have been a firm believer that we need a moratorium on immigration into this country. I believe this would allow us to weed out those criminals who are here and running drugs all over while having their gang members kill people. I think it is now more important than ever and instead of putting a moratorium on immigration we need to ban Muslims from coming here. This might seem harsh but the US is not up to the task of checking out the credentials of every person who comes here and given the backlog it is very likely that those with high level skills will get a cursory look and be allowed in. When one considers how the government wants to go to socialized medicine it is not hard to believe that they would like to get as many doctors here as possible to help dole out substandard care run by an inefficient government (think Walter Reed and you will understand what government bureaucracy does to an organization regardless of the quality of the workers).

We need to ban all Muslims from coming here to ensure that the terrorists disguised as professionals do not get the chance to detonate car bombs in our cities. We need to ensure that they do not come here so that our airports will be safe from jackasses with gas laden vehicles. The refusal to allow Muslims in is also for the safety of the ones who are already here. If one of these doctor groups gets in here and detonates car bombs a bunch of Americans are going to take matters into their own hands and there won’t be much left of the Muslims living here.

As for the UK, they should take these criminals and deal with them harshly. I believe it should be UK and US policy that any Muslim found guilty of trying to kill people through terror (as opposed to self defense) should be given the death penalty. The penalty should be cutting them across the chest with a razor so they start bleeding and then feeding them to hungry hogs. The whole episode of them being torn to pieces and eaten by the hogs will be filmed and put on You Tube and any other site that allows video.

It will be official policy that anyone caught and found guilty be given this punishment. The hog adds a nice touch because the bastards can not be martyred and will end up in hell because a hog ate them.

Now, you want to play tough, that is how you do it. CAIR, when will you you start condemning the kinds of acts that took place in the UK?