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We Need Allen West In Congress

Or better yet, the White House

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West US Army retired is the kind of leader this country needs.

LTC West exhibits the love of country, patriotism and leadership that Obama will never have, know, or understand.

This is my kind of leader. He leads from the front and keeps his word.

Yes sir, we took that oath, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and Domestic.

Bayonet fixed and awaiting the order to charge.*

*To the liberals, this is a metaphor indicating fighting back. We have no actual bayonets fixed and ready (though we can if needed). We will do our damage in the voting booth. I wanted to clear that up so Nancy Pelosi does not have another spilled Harvey Milk moment and so the liberals will not wet themselves worried about right wing attackers. Remember, the only violence during this year’s events was started by liberals and other Obama supporters.

Big Dog

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