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We Know What It Feels Like Being Told To Submit

Joe Biden was out trying to trump up support for Stimulus II, Obama’s second attempt at doing the same thing that did not work the last time. The guy who spent nearly a trillion dollars on a stimulus for “shovel ready jobs” that turned out not to be shovel ready wants you to believe that a second stimulus will put people to work at shovel ready jobs.

So Biden is talking about crime statistics (which were all fabricated) and he discussed rape and gun crimes going up when there are fewer police officers. He said that these crimes would go up even more without Stimulus II and that he wished those who oppose knew what it was like:

I wish these guys who thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or [to have] a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit,” Biden told a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on Tuesday, adding, “Folks, it matter, it matters.” The Lonely Conservative

I don’t know how much Obama weighs so I can’t attest to the 200 pound man involved but I do know what it is like to have a big eared bean pole standing over me telling me to submit.

Obama wants Stimulus II to pay off his union buddies. He wants to use more taxpayer money to send to states so they can use it to fill gaps in their budgets (which is what happened in Stimulus I). He has been running around demanding that his bill be passed. Chants of pass the bill come from him and his adoring flocks as they demand that we submit to Obama’s wishes.

Obama has taken to ridiculing Republicans even though some of his Democrats are not on board with Stimulus II. He blames Republicans even though the Democrat controlled Senate can’t get the bill passed. Democrats will cry about filibuster threats (karma is a beyatch) but Republicans are doing nothing more than following the rules and the will of their constituents. That is what they are supposed to do. Democrats had no problems doing that when they were the minority party so they will just have to live with it.

So we have Obama demanding that we submit and he is doing it by using fear about fewer police officers and firefighters (at the point of the metaphorical gun) and he is insulting the intelligence of people who oppose by insisting they are not bright enough to understand it so they want to break it up into smaller pieces. We understand it and don’t like it but that won’t stop Obama from trying to force us to submit.

Obamacare is another example where a majority of the population opposed the legislation and it was rammed through against our wishes. We were FORCED to submit to the desires of the Socialist Democrats.

So yes Joe, we know what it is like. The difference is we are tough enough to stand up to the man standing over us and given the number of guns purchased in this country it is unlikely we will stare down a gun unless we live in an area controlled by liberals.

We need to kill the legislation because it will not do anything to create jobs (government does not create jobs). It will only allow states to keep government employees (union employees) employed by using our tax dollars to make up for the state’s inept management.

Joe, we know buddy. It does matter folks and it matters when we vote next November.

I am part of the Occupy crowd. Occupy the White House in 2012.

And send Barry Obama and Sheriff Joe packing…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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