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Waters Blames Problems On Bush

Is there nothing that Democrats will blame on George Bush? Obama inherited a bad economy (after Democrats were in charge of Congress) and it was Bush’s fault. Obama stubs his toe, Bush’s fault. Michelle Obama skips a period, Bush’s fault. Every time one turns around some Democrat (usually the cry baby Obama) is blaming George Bush for one problem or another.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Maxine Waters is blaming her ethical lapses on, wait for it…. George Bush.

Embattled Rep. Maxine Waters on Friday blamed the Bush administration for her ethics problems — saying she had to intervene with the Treasury Department on behalf of minority-owned banks seeking federal bailout funds — including one tied to her husband — because the Treasury Department wouldn’t schedule its own appointments. FOX News

There is no doubt that this Socialist broke the rules and did things she was not supposed to do. There is no doubt that she did something in her official capacity that benefited her and her husband financially. She probably did nothing different than many other politicians who have been entrenched in Congress for way too long but she got caught. As an aside, she and Charlie Rangel have been brought up on charges and face a public trial and both of them backed Hillary Clinton. I wonder if that played into this…

In any event the manipulation of facts in both cases is stunning. Rangel blames problems on Republicans who are out to get him and refuse to let him make a deal (as if he is discussing with Monty Hall) and he blames some lapses on his memory. He is an 80 year old man who might have forgotten. Here is a clue, then he does not belong in Congress.

As for Waters, she is blaming George Bush as if he called her up and told her to go ahead and help out the bank her husband was invested in. No, the person who actually helped her was Barney Frank who added wording to legislation to help out the bank.

That does not negate the fact that Waters did things she was not supposed to.

She broke the rules and she must pay. She is now forced to eat the very words she used against then Speaker Newt Gingrich and I love watching it happen. I hope she goes down in flames.

And if she does, well then I guess I am OK with Bush getting the credit for that part of it.

Maxine, you Socialist pig, no one twisted your arms and made you do bad things. You did them yourself so woman up and accept responsibility for what you did and quit blaming others.

And then do us all a favor and quit.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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