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Vote Pair Wants Fairness?

Back during election season I signed up with an organization called Vote Pair. They said their purpose was to “not allow our flawed and undemocratic Electoral College system to nullify your right to have your vote count just because you live in a “safe” red or blue state.” Of course they then proceeded to explain how people in different states could swap votes to ensure John Kerry won the presidency. The scheme works like this. A person who lives in a “red” state but wants some third party candidate to win registers and is paired with a person in a strong “blue” state. The person in the strong “blue” state votes for the third party candidate and the person in the “red” state votes for John Kerry. They claim it is a way to allow the popular vote to override the archaic electoral college system. I looked at it as illegal vote reallocation. They claimed to be looking out for voters but they were denying individuals from states to have their states desires expressed. You are probably asking why I signed up. As I explained a long time ago, I signed up to subvert the process. I said I was a Nadar supporter and agreed to vote for Kerry if a guy in the red state would vote for “my man Ralph.” I got a nifty email from some twit who was eager to get Bush out of office. I convinced him he was doing the right thing and then on election day I voted for Bush.

Vote Pair says they want fairness by removing the electoral college. They call it a flawed and undemocratic system. They think the popular vote is more fair. If we go with a popular vote then it is possible that 6 or 7 heavily populated states, no not even states, cities (like New York and Las Angeles) could decide the outcome for the entire country. The electoral college system was established to prevent that very thing. It is designed to ensure that some states that have smaller populations have an equal say in who runs this country. If Vote Pair and the liberal elitists in this country succeed in changing to the popular vote then heavily populated bastions of liberalism will determine who is the president more often than not. Now talk about undemocratic! They just can not get over the 2000 election. Many mental health professionals would say that indicates some type of mental illness….

This is the email they sent me.