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Use the Stick

There is an old adage about a carrot and a stick indicating that one can be enticed or forced to do something. In the case of politics it would be wise for Donald Trump to use the stick.

Mr. Trump won the national election by winning the most electoral votes. I don’t want to discuss popular votes or any other non Constitutional issue. We use electoral votes, they are the best way for us to do things and they are not going anywhere barring an Amendment to the US Constitution in which case we will no longer be a republic,

During the campaign Mr. Trump indicated that if he won he would pursue criminal charges against Ms. Clinton for her illegal activities. After the election he softened that stance by refusing to say if he would prosecute her.

I understand how it works and it would be unwise for Trump to say he would prosecute her since that is not his job. It would be up to his DOJ, his Attorney General, to decide. Trump would need to stay out of it and let the DOJ do its job.

We now have this demand for a recount in three states. It is clear Trump won those states and it is also clear that the person asking for the recount, Jill Stein, could not possibly win no matter what a recount showed. The only person who could possibly benefit would be Hillary Clinton and her actually winning enough changed votes to matter is nearly impossible.

This is all being financed by George Soros in an effort to make Mr. Trump seem illegitimate. The goal is to have a hand recount take so long that there would not be enough EVs certified to give Trump 270 thus denying him the presidency. But Clinton would not have the 270 either so the reality is either the person with the most out of those available (the recounting states would not have theirs in in time) would win or the House and Senate would decide and Trump would still win.

However, this would tarnish him and the feeling is it would weaken him in the eyes of the public. Soros is unhappy that he could not buy this election and he is working to disrupt it in any manner he can (like paying for riots and recounts).

The Clinton campaign is now on board with the recounts. They are interested in assisting in the Soros project. Clinton knows she will not win even with the recount but she will help in the attempt to weaken Trump.

So Mr. Trump should make it clear that he expects his DOJ to go investigate and prosecute anyone who engaged in illegal activities including any co-conspirators. He should make it clear that anyone who did anything wrong will be prosecuted and sent to prison. He should make sure that all the lackeys know that they will be targets as well.

Mr. Trump does not appear to be a wallflower. He demonstrated that he can take a punch and return one quite effectively. He did not wither under the unrelenting attacks.

Now is not the time for Trump to go easy on opponents particularly those who are working to undermine him.

Mr. Trump needs to put the carrots away and wield a very big stick.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
