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US Gearing Up For Trouble With Iran

The United States under Barack Obama is beginning to take the threat from Iran seriously. The administration is sending missile defense systems to four countries and placing two ships capable of shooting Iranian missiles down, in the area. After trying the diplomacy route the adminsitration must have realized that it will not work.

The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to four countries – Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait – and keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down Iranian missiles. Washington is also helping Saudi Arabia develop a force to protect its oil installations.


The deployment comes after Obama’s attempts to emphasise diplomacy over confrontation in dealing with Iran – a contrast to the Bush administration’s approach – have failed to persuade Tehran to open its nuclear installations to international controls. The White House is now trying to engineer agreement for sanctions focused on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, believed to be in charge of the atomic programme. Guardian UK

It is interesting that the Guardian points out that Obama’s approach has been different than Mr. Bush’s because Obama tried diplomacy first. I think the Bush administration tried diplomacy but not very much of it because George Bush understood the threat and knew that Iran would not respond.

Now, 12 months into his term, Obama has realized the same thing. Obama has ended where Bush was after a 12 month delay that involved an unsuccessful attempt at diplomacy.

Don’t get me wrong, if Obama thought this was best then that was his call to make but now that it has failed we can all see that Bush was pretty much on target. Iran is not interested in diplomacy.

Wow, one year in and Obama is gearing up for a conflict with Iran. He promised to get us out of war but might be getting into another.

I have no problem with the US protecting people in that region, especially our friends in Israel (though this country is not mentioned and is probably the last thing on Obama’s mind) but I have never been one of the Code Pinko anti war types that supported Obama.

They must be taking gas over this.

If Iran launches a missile we should shoot it down and then send about ten thousand Tomahawks into the country divided among their nuclear facilities.

That would send a message…

I hope Iran shoots first. Obama can’t really be a preemptive war kind of guy and still curry favor with the dope smoking peaceniks on the left…

Big Dog


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