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US Cracks Down On Illegal Immigration

The United States government has finally done something to crack down on illegal immigration. The US has produced a video warning people from another country that they need to know the laws before coming to the US. Now one would think with millions of people walking across our southern border from Mexico the video would be directed at Mexico.

No, all the money spent on the video was to warn Israelis not to come here illegally and the video even has a few Israelis who have been scammed by an illegal operation that dupes people. They get to the US and find out they are here illegally and end up banned from coming back.

Most of the folks coming from Israel did not set out to break the law, they were duped. Yet, our government saw fit to invest a lot of money in a video aimed at a relatively small number of people. Don’t get me wrong, if people are coming here illegally they need to be dealt with. But we have to figure if the benefit is worth the cost and we need to ask why such an effort is not in place and aimed at Mexico?

You see, the folks in Mexico are coming here illegally and they KNOW they are coming here illegally. Hell, their government helps them come here illegally. And the funny thing is there are more Mexicans here illegally than the entire population of Israel.

Yes, we have between 12 and 20 million Mexicans here illegally and the population of the entire country of Israel is just under 8 million. The entire country of Israel could come here illegally and it would still not be as bad as the problem from Mexico (and we would get more skilled labor).

Our government spent a lot of money to educate a small number of people from Israel (most the victims of a scam) about coming here illegally while it continues to ignore the southern border where millions of people walk in as if they own the place.

I know that this regime is hostile to Israel but it seems that this is just a bit too much.

How about they stop wasting money on these videos and start doing some real border control? How about the government turn its focus toward Mexico and worry about catching the huge number of people entering illegally from there.

The folks coming from Israel seem to be getting caught without any special focus and obviously they were caught before the video was made. How about letting the Israeli government educate its people on immigration rules and while they are at it they can go after the criminals scamming people. We can then turn our attention to the south and close the floodgates down there.

Focusing on the south would give us more bang for the buck. We can change that focus to Israel when millions of Israels come here illegally and commit violent crimes. I have a funny feeling that illegal immigration from Israel will never reach the level Mexico has achieved (its a simple numbers game).

I also bet our government will never be as serious about the illegals from Mexico as it has demonstrated it is with the illegals from Israel…

See the video here.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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