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Union Thug Ups The “Anti” Against The VP’s Barbarians

We already know that Barack Obama’s call for civility was aimed only at the right. In his mind and the minds of his party it is the right that causes violence and that violence is the result of right wing talk. Of course this is pure bunk. The acts of violence we have seen have come from liberals as union thugs beat people. One liberal bit the finger off a TEA Party member and the whack job who shot Gabby Giffords was a liberal.

The violence on the left does not stop them from pointing fingers to the right and accusing peaceful people of committing violence. When one calls for civility it is expected that the call is for everyone to be civil. That is obviously not the case as Barack Obama ignores the violent rhetoric from the left.

Maxine Waters said the TEA Party could go straight to hell and Andre Carson said that TEA Party members of Congress would like to lynch black people.

One hears crickets chirp waiting for Barack Obama to ask these people to be civil.

This past weekend came with more uncivil talk and calls for violence against the TEA Party. Union thug and Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa called the TEA Party “sons of bitches” and said that working America was at war with them. He told Barack Obama, who spoke later at the event, that the union thugs stood at the ready to take the TEA Party out. Never mind that the TEA Party represents working America. Unions represent about 14% of the workforce and unions are a dying breed. This does not stop thugs like Hoffa from calling for violence against fellow Americans. Hoffa is anti TEA Party and anti American.

Did Obama denounce the violent rhetoric? No and he probably won’t. If union thugs get violent and harm TEA Party members Obama would remain quiet unless he could find a way to blame the violence on the right. In his world, the ends justify the means so long as the left is getting what it wants. To Obama violence is OK as long as it is perpetrated against the right. Perceived violence against the left demands a speech on civility.

Obama’s own Vice President, the brain damaged Joe Biden, gave a speech and he said that labor was under attack. He said that the other side has declared war on labor’s house and they are the only ones keeping the “barbarians at the gate.” The Vice President called the opposition barbarians while one of the union thugs called the TEA Party sons of bitches.

This is the idea of civility on the left. These people are stirring the pot. They are poking a stick in a hornet’s nest and they are provoking millions of hard working, concerned Americans. They want civil unrest to drum up another emergency so they can play it up and win the next election. They want violence from the right and they are well aware that the right does not start the violence so they are in overdrive trying to provoke a response.

While all this is going on Barack Obama ignores it. He is ignoring the violent rhetoric of his own party and supporters because he wants civil unrest.

They had better be careful what they ask for. The right will not start the violence but there are millions of us who will not sit back and be physically attacked. Throw all the verbal insults you want but do us a favor and quit with the faux concern over civility. Quit with the speeches calling for civil behavior when you have no intention of abiding by that for which you call. If you want to use violent rhetoric, go ahead but quit whining when you hear rhetoric you don’t like.

But be forewarned, while we will not start the violence we will not sit back and allow acts of violence to be committed against us. If you want to try to take the “sons of bitches” out you go right ahead but be prepared for backlash like you have never seen.

Mr. Hoffa, you sure talk a tough game. Your old man talked tough a long time ago. Have they found him yet?

The mob that is known as the liberal left is working its people into a frenzy in order to cause civil unrest. Make no mistake about it, this is the game plan. They want civil unrest and uncertainty before the next election. They want chaos and they have no problem with using violence to get what they want.

The right to self defense is never denied and in the struggle for survival against the violent left We the People will do what is necessary to protect our homes, our property, our families and our lives. The left kept poking in the 1960s until it got Kent State. That pretty much ended the violence from the left and made the country safer.

Try to take the sons of bitches out at your own risk. The gates you man have not the strength or the people power to keep the “barbarians” out should you decide to act.

Be careful. Be very, very careful.

DNC Chair avoids, deflects.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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