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Typical For The Left

The propagandists of the left will use fear and threats to get what it wants. This video is an example of how they operate, do it our way or else (in this case you get blown up). No different than Obama saying we must act now to avoid this or that and we can’t wait or it will be real bad. No different, of course, except they blow people (including CHILDREN) up in the video.

This should not be surprising considering the threats made to those who do not buy into the whole global warming scam. They want to round us up and shoot us, tax us to death, and take away our stuff because they will use force to get what they want.

As an aside, I still have that challenge with James Cameron. He wants to meet the global warming deniers in the street and have a shoot out with them. I will be happy to oblige him and the offer remains open. I think he might get to eat a little more than his words…

How do you think it would be received if the video was of Congress and each time one of the members went against the wishes of the public he was blown up?

Then again…

And yes, I know it is a UK film but the climate change Nazis are all the same.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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