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Two Senate Democrats In Trouble

The first, Harry Reid, is no surprise. This lame moron is well past his expiration date:

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid must pick up far more support from crossover Republicans and independents to win re-election, according to a new poll that shows him losing to the GOP front-runner in a full-ballot election with eight contenders and a “none of these candidates” option.

The survey of Nevada voters commissioned by the Review-Journal shows Reid getting 37 percent of the vote compared with 47 percent for Republican Sue Lowden, who would win if the election were today, while the slate of third-party and nonpartisan candidates would get slim to no backing. Las Vegas Review Journal

Reid needs to go and unless something drastic happens, he will be unemployed when the next Congress convenes.

The one that might surprise people is Barbara Boxer of California. There are more Democrats in the state and it leans way left thanks to the heavily populated big liberal cities and the folks from Hollywood. Still Boxer is in trouble:

Hints of re-election trouble for U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer come from a 65-year-old travel agent from this leafy Los Angeles suburb who’s a fellow Democrat.

To Helen Sargent, taxes and the national debt are too high, President Barack Obama has proved a disappointment and the Democratic Party needs new faces.

Boxer, who’s seeking a fourth term this fall, “has been there too long,” Sargent said. “All politicians have a shelf life.”


In a clear sign of her difficulties, President Barack Obama heads to Los Angeles on Monday to help raise money for Boxer, who is running about even with several potential Republican challengers, an alarming sign in the Democratic-leaning state. My Way News

Given that the three politicians Obama campaigned for lost, two in heavily Democrat areas, I am not sure this is good for Boxer.

And that is just the way I like it.

She might end up winning but right now things look good.

It would be good to see her join Reid at the unemployment office.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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