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Try The Terrorists In America

The Obama Justice Department wants to try some of the terrorists in America and have chosen New York as the site. This was done with Obama’s consent but without the advice of Congress or the people of New York. There are a lot of concerns with this plan especially security, gridlock and the possibility that they will be found not guilty and released here in America. Some members of Congress are balking at the idea and there are calls to move the trial.

I say that it should be moved but it should remain in America.

The people who are in favor of having the trial here tell us that it is important to do it here to show we are a nation of laws and that holding the tirals in New York will put the accused in the vicinity of the Trade Center Towers. A nice idea but it does not display us as a nation based on justice.

I think in order to do this right we need to move the trials to Washington DC. That is the seat of power in this country and it is where our national laws originate. It is where our military leaders are located and the Pentagon, which was also attacked, is not far away. Surely there is a federal court in Washington DC.

This would absolutely demonstrate to the terrorists that they are in a place where the rule of law is important. It will also allow those who imposed the debacle on New York to be affected more intimately, like they wanted for New York.

This is a great idea. There is already a ton of security in DC and access to it is more easily controlled. It is a win, win because Eric Holder gets to reap what he has sown and the people of New York will be spared the circus.

The only rules are that Holder and all his people plus all the people in the Obama administration must continue to work there each day. They must not move their families out of the area and Obama’s kids must still go to school each and every day. In addition, either Obama or Biden must be in town while the trial is in progress.

Let’s propose this alternative and see if they still think it is a great idea.

Those of you who support the idea of having the trials in New York, how do you feel about them being in DC?

Big Dog


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