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Today Is The Big Day In Massachusetts

Well folks the polls will open soon and the voters in the state of Massachusetts will go to them to elect a senator who will complete the term of the late Ted Kennedy. This election has national implications and is being watched closely across the country.

The pundits will be burning up the airways later today but I want all of you involved. Just for fun, comment here with who you think will win and by how much (as a percentage of the vote).

It is time to take a break from all the name calling and sniping that goes on and have a little fun so this post is designed to do just that.

Please keep comments related to the contest and don’t forget to make your prediction.

For those of you who have been living in a cave the candidates are Martha Coakley (D) and Scott Brown (R).

I will start us off.

I predict Brown will win by 4 points.

Now it is your turn.

Big Dog


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