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This Will Spread To More Sectors

Walgreens in Washington state will stop accepting new requests for prescriptions to be filled for Medicad patients because the state does not reimburse enough to cover the cost of the drugs. Several other stores have also decided to stop accepting new Medicaid patients for the same reason.

Quite a few doctors in this country have stopped taking Medicare patients because the federal government does not reimburse enough to cover costs. The hospital Obama held up as a model has stopped taking Medicare patients.

Do you see the pattern here?

The government run systems control costs by shortchanging doctors on the reimbursement. Obama clearly told us that this was the safety valve that is used when there is a cost problem.

Of course there are some progressives who think this is perfectly acceptable and that doctors get paid too much or that health care and medicine should be given away. How dare these people go to school and learn a tough profession and then expect to be paid for doing it?

Well, the doctors are tired of it. Some pharmacies are tired of it.

And it will only get worse if the government passes the health care takeover plan.

Yes there will be shortages and yes there will be doctors who opt out of all of it and work on a personal level with people who pay out of pocket. It is already happening and it will happen more.

The country is at a precarious place in its history and it is up to a few truly courageous people in Congress to stop this.

And we don’t mean Obama courage where he hides behind Pelosi’s skirt.

Big Dog


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