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This Is What You Get With Government Care

The federal government wants to take over health care administration in this country and effectively drive private insurance companies out of business. The plan that is being batted around Congress is a monstrocity that members of Congress want no parts of with regard to administration of their health. They want it for the rest of us.

If the government takes over health care administration then care WILL be rationed in order to save money. The almighty dollar will take precedence over the health of people, particularly the elderly who will be required to receive counseling on end of life options. The government wants to save money on health care and Social Security by putting the elderly in hospice.

Look at what is happening in the United kingdom. The National Health Service wants to reduce the number of corticosteroid injections (for back pain) that people receive from about 60,000 per year to around 3000. This means that people with back pain that is not alleviated by other means (or requires extensive surgery) will be denied the injections that take their pain away. The government is doing this to save money. It is reported that £33 million ($55 million) will be saved by denying the care.

The NHS currently issues more than 60,000 treatments of steroid injections every year. NICE said in its guidance it wants to cut this to just 3,000 treatments a year, a move which would save the NHS £33 million. Telegraph UK

The move would save the NHS money. This is the motivation in a government run system and this is what our government will do if it takes control of health care.

We do not need to completely overhaul our system and turn it into the same things that have been tried and have failed in the UK, Canada, and other countries around the world. Yes, we need some tweaking to our system but we do not need the government in control of our lives. The government already controls the elderly by holding them hostage to Social Security, we do not need to all be held hostage under the health care system they want to impose.

During this recess call your Representatives and Senators and tell them that you oppose this and that they risk losing their jobs if they vote for it.

Let’s kill this bill and then replace all of these morons.

Big Dog

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