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This is the Problem with Liberalism

Michael Moore is holding an auction. He is auctioning off himself and the deal is the “winner” gets to have him come to his home and do his laundry. Moore wants to have some Republican pay money so he will come wash laundry. The promo says:

The “Take a Republican to See ‘SiCKO” contest states: “Can you imagine someone from the government coming to your home to help you with the laundry? Well, they do it in France and if you enter the contest this weekend you will have the chance to win the same treatment for a Republican friend of yours from Michael Moore himself!” Baltimore Examiner

I don’t need someone from the government to do my laundry regardless of what they do in France. That is the problem in this country, people rely on the government for too much. Michael’s contest makes it sound as if it is a good thing for a member of the government to come wash your clothes and it must be good because they do it in France. No, it is not good. People should do things for themselves and have as little government intrusion as possible.

We have a welfare class in this country right now because people have become so dependent on government they are unable to do for themselves. They have gotten to the point where they are owed or it is their right. Lump it in with their right to health care and anything else the government (ie the taxpayer) can fork over so long as they get what is rightfully theirs as designated by the government.

I would not have Michael Moore in my house for any reason at all. I do not like him and I certainly do not need him washing my clothes. I have managed this long and I think I will get along just fine without his “help.” Though it might be fun to film it and manipulate the film into something misleading and then call it a documentary.

After all, if he is going to be doing my job I might as well do his…

Big Dog

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