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They Want Rosie Glamerous?

Image 1Rosie O’Donnell will be the newest addition to The View on ABC. Her contract states that she is not allowed to cut her hair. Evidently there was some concern because she cut her hair in the past to look like some Culture Club singer. I think the uproar was because there was less hair to hide that face. But ABC states they want her to be “glamorous.”

But ABC apparently wants Rosie to look as glamorous as possible when she sits down on “The View” among Joy Behar, Star Jones, and Debbie Hasselbeck.

Rosie could not look glamorous if she sat next to Jack the Ripper and Frankenstein. Even if she happened to be the most beautiful woman in the world, as soon as she opened that nasty yap of hers she would be ugly ole’ Rosie. It appears that a person does not need looks or talent to make it in TV. Rosie has a face for radio but then she would have to talk…