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These Shoes Were Made For Walking

First Klingon Michelle Obama has a new pair of tennis shoes and they are quite ugly and they cost a whopping $540.00. Reporters asked about her shoes but were dismissed with the “they are only shoes” line.

I really don’t care about the shoes or how much she spent on them. It is her money and she can do what she wants with it even if that means buying butt ugly shoes. Anyone who had the idea that the Obama’s were just like the rest of us was deluded to begin with. Very few politicians actually live like we do or really “feel our pain.”

What irritates me is that some of the comments in the story indicated that she was free to spend her money on what she wanted but those comments come from the same kind of people who scream when a corporate executive buys an expensive home or yacht. Here is a typical comment (though there are some bashing her for the expense):

I am trying to figure out why all of you people are outraged by this. Did anyone read the article that recently stated the Obama’s annual income prior to them becoming the first family? She was always able to afford $540 shoes, she’s a Harvard JD! She had a job and earned her money and is entitled to spend it on $540 shoes if that is what she wants to do. All of you who are whining about her purchasing these shoes and what it means should get off their high horse. She is allowed to spend her money however she pleases and the last thing she has to do is answer to someone about why or how she spent her own, hard earned money on a pair of shoes. Find something new to attack her for because attacking her because she is an educated, hard working woman who made money really doesn’t make much sense.

Read more: “First Lady Michelle Obama steps out in Lanvin sneakers and they’re only $540!”-

Obama is limiting executive pay for those who took taxpayer money and wants to expand that to all companies. The liberals are the ones who tell us constantly that the rich do not need all that money and then cry about lavish lifestyles.

Rich people, no matter who they are, should be able to spend THEIR money on anything they want without someone else telling them what they should buy or how they should spend.

In reality, people, rich or not, should be able to buy what they can afford. It is not up to us or those in government to tell others how to spend their money unless their spending leads to our tax dollars being spent on them via the welfare system.

My only thought on the shoes; It was kind of stupid of her to wear $540.00 tennis shoes when she went to help out at a food bank.

Big Dog

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