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These Are My People; Americans

The talk about the TEA Party movement is that it is filled with racists, those opposed to Barack Obama’s agenda because he is a black man. The thought never crosses the minds of the MSM that perhaps the people are opposed to his policies and his agenda.

During TEA Party gatherings the MSM looks long and hard for the one person who says something wrong or has an inappropriate sign. Those folks might belong to the gathering or not but are always used to broad brush the entire movement as racist haters. Blacks who attend the TEA Parties are looked at as sell outs or misguided people and they are asked about feeling out of place.

One such interview took place yesterday by an NBC reporter who asked a black man if he felt uncomfortable. His answer is priceless and is an example of the TEA Party members.

The answer was; “No, no, these are my people, Americans.”

And that is the rest of the story.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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