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There Will Be A Draft After All!

I have had this running argument with Adam over at Lost Adam regarding a draft. He and many of his “followers” have been strongly convinced that there will be a draft and I have been saying all along that we do not need a draft nor will there be one.

It looks like the Big Dog was wrong on this one. It looks like there will be a draft and it will take place soon. As a result, many young men will be selected to go to specialized training. Once they are conditioned they will receive special protective equipment and they will go out and do battle. Some of them will be injured. Some will be maimed and some will never lead the same life they had prior to the injuries. Unfortunately, there is always the possibility that some of them could die though I would argue that this is unlikely given the training and the quality of the protective equipment.

I have been taken completely by surprise. I have to admit that I did not see a draft coming. I am eating humble pie with crow on top. It looks like the libs over at Adam’s site were absolutely right. I only hope the mothers of these young men can adjust to the life they will have to accept as a result of the draft. Well, at least I know they will be in better shape as a result of the draft. I only hope they will still have faith in a country that resorted to drafting them into service on a battlefied that has constant aerial attacks while they fight it out in the trenches.

You can read the whole terrible thing here (this one will hit close to home for my friend Surfside).