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The Unpleasant Truth

Well, if you had even a rudimentary brainstem, you had to see this coming- well, if you were not a liberal, you had to see this coming. The Chinese no longer want to buy our T-Bills, the government bonds that Barama has been borrowing against in order to pay for his little spending spree.

Addiction psychiatrists call what is happening, “Refresh the Joy”, by which they describe the urge of compulsive buying, usually seen in Lottery winners who constantly need to buy stuff to re- energize their pleasure. Sooner or later, they DO run out of money, or in Barama’s case, sugar daddies. This is the truth- there is no more money- the Chinese have cut up our credit card, and the Saudis are not far behind.

Barama went to the well too often, or to paraphrase Rhomboid Emmanuel, we’re gonna have to waste a few crises. There are no more people who will lend us any money, and truth be told, we have nothing that anyone wants right now- we no longer manufacture anything of any material value except cars, and we can see how well that is going. Our manufacturing base, the true base of any economy, has vanished over the years, leaving a hole you could pitch Al Sharpton through. No more good textiles, no more good steel, all of the manufacturing infrastructure has vanished- outsourced to the cheapest bidder- never a good outcome in the long run.

I could lay the blame at the feet of the unions, and they do deserve some of the blame, but NAFTA, and CAFTA, and the “Global Economy” that the last three Presidents have touted have done their dead- level best to wreak havoc on our economy. The minute that companies found that they could have a world full of workers they could get at starvation wages, they jumped at the chance to relocate to a less- taxed, less unionized, less worker overhead environment in a heartbeat.

You see, Corporations have no soul, except that of the CEO and Board of Directors, and to rely on their uncertain loyalty while the government and public cusses them and penalizes them and taxes them to within an inch of their life, only makes them relocate even faster. There is no national loyalty anymore, unfortunately- why should there be? Just loyalty to the bottom line, and as one market’s wages come up, these companies will relocate yet again to try and retain their market share.

So now Barama has no other option but to tax people- a lot- a lot of people, a lot of taxes, in order to just pay the vig, and he will. A lot. Oh, he’ll put on his unhappy face, so you know he feels your pain, but he will still do it- “Give ’til it Hurts” used to be a motto, and he will expect that of everyone he can get ahold of. Some companies have already skipped out- Haliburton, every liberal’s whipping boy, has relo’ed to Dubai, and I am sure there are others who saw the taxes on the wall, flung there by the Democratic Party.

I have to say, I have no good idea of how to get out of this situation, but I DO know it is not by spending more money. AIG could have, and should have been broken apart, and the various divisions sold- most of them were solid, it was only the division relegated to dealing with the sub prime loans that was the problem. It should have gone to bankruptcy re- organization, or written off as loss, and we the taxpayers would not have had to dole out 150 billion dollars.

GM, and Chrysler should have gone straight to bankruptcy- no bail out at all. The banks should stand or fall on their own. Sure some people would get hurt- but not the whole nation, as is the case now. Pain, even that felt financially, is a wonderful teacher- it teaches us that an economy based solely on spending is a hollow economy, rotten to the core, and we must somehow find our way back to being a producer of substance, because a true, solid economy is based on what a country can and does produce.

I saw this in a newspaper, and thought it worth passing along- There are about 40 million people in the U.S. over the age of fifty. The crisis would be solved if Barama gave each one of these over fifty people a million dollars, with three conditions attached: One- Quit your job- forty million job openings, job crisis solved. Two- pay off your mortgage, or buy a new home- housing crisis solved. Three- buy a new American car- forty million cars sold, auto crisis solved, all for less than Barama has used up until now.

I don’t know about you, but that would work for me, and it would have been faster than this garbage he’s trying now.

And THAT’S an Unpleasant Truth.
Big Dog
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