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The TEA Party Folks Causing Trouble

Have you heard about all those bad TEA Party people causing trouble in New York and around our country? Have you heard about the hundreds arrested? Have you heard about these spin off riots, ahem, protests in other cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Seattle?

Of course you haven’t because the TEA Party folks are not the ones rioting around the nation. It is a bunch of left wing, give us your money because we deserve it types who think that wealthy people should have to give their money to everyone else. It is those folks who take taxpayer money from the government after it is taken from us by force.

The leeches on the left are starting to ramp up the intensity and are taking the cue Michael Moore gave them. They decided that they would rather resort to causing trouble because they feel entitled to YOUR money.

The next liberals talk badly about the TEA Party ask them to name a time when hundreds of TEA Party members were arrested for civil disturbance. Hell, ask them to point out one time that it happened. No, the TEA Party is peaceful, welcomes all, leaves wherever they go cleaner than when they arrived and obeys the laws.

The left and its media wing will make villains out of TEA Party members and ignore the real thugs, those on the left.

But those of us who are honest about it know the truth.

UPDATE: That fat pig Roseanne Barr wants to behead the wealthy who won’t give up their money. She thinks we should bring back the guillotine for the worst among us. She should be careful. Those who wanted that during the French Revolution ended up being beheaded themselves…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit
Big Dog


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