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The Stimulus That Didn’t Stimulate

A new report from Barack Obama’s own Council of Economic Advisors shows that the stimulus failed to stimulate, that each job created or “saved” cost taxpayers $278,000, and that we would have been better off without the stimulus.

What a surprise? The Stimulus was a failure, just as I had said it would be. To spend 278 thousand dollars per job created or allegedly saved is absolutely criminal. To top it off, the trend of adding jobs appears to be going in the wrong direction. The Stimulus failed to stimulate and now it is having a harmful effect on the economy. Interpretation of the report indicates that we would have done better without the Stimulus.

Perhaps this is because the Stimulus was not meant to actually stimulate. The report they wrote says it was and Obama and his toadies said it was but the reality of the situation is that a lot of taxpayer money, money we do not have, was appropriated for the sole purpose of paying off Democrat constituencies. The labor unions, the Obama supporters, the Democrat controlled cities that can’t make it on their own, all took our money as part of a huge payoff and redistribution scheme.

All sides agree on these incriminating numbers — and now they also appear to agree on this important point: The economy would now be generating job growth at a faster rate if the Democrats hadn’t passed the “stimulus.” Weekly Standard

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the Democrats own the economy and she is absolutely correct. The Democrats took a bad situation (caused mostly by their failed policies) and made it much worse. We have hit rock bottom and are now starting to dig.

This is what happens when we elect a man with NO experience whatsoever. Never had a productive job, never had to make payroll and lived his life off the taxpayer. He got taxpayer money for his education, for his community rabble rousing and for his jobs in politics. Oh sure, he received money through graft and corruption as well as the books he wrote about his life (as if he actually had anything to write about) but he never ran anything meaningful.

He was and remains out of his league and he continues to drive us further toward government control of everything.

He is well on his way with the failed Stimulus and the 5 TRILLION dollars of debt he has accumulated.

It is more meaningful when his own people point it out.

Maybe they want to avoid the pitchforks and torches…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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