The Silence Of The Bam

Today is the 7th day of Israel’s war on Hamas and its latest attempt to rid the world of the vermin that shoots rockets and mortars into its country. Barack Obama was on vacation in Hawaii and has yet to comment on the war.

He did state that there was only one president at a time and that is correct but that did not stop him from voicing his desires with regard to the auto company bailouts and the financial meltdown. He was the one who said it would get worse before it got better and expressed his wishes for a change in leadership at the auto makers.

I guess there is truly only one president when the words required are tough and possibly unpopular to the base.

Many of Obama’s supporters are absolutely against the actions taken by Israel. The kind of people who support him are the ones protesting the military response by Israel. Obama is in a tough position so he remains silent.

If he supports Israel’s right to defend itself he will betray those who voted for him who are against the action and if he denounces Israel he will upset many in the Jewish community, a community that voted overwhelmingly for him. He would also send a message to Israel that it cannot count on an Obama administration to have its back.

Obama has a sordid history when it comes to support for Israel. He says that he is in favor of them and what they do but his associates such as Farrakhan and Wright are absolutely anti Semitic. Obama listened to them spew hatred toward Jews for years and never took any action until he decided he wanted to be president (and not until it got too hot to ignore).

Obama used the “only one president” to duck an issue he hopes will be resolved before he takes office. The fact that he will soon take office might be why Israel decided now was as good a time as any to strike back. The country can count on support from President Bush but support form PEBO is not so certain.

Simon and Garfunkel had a song titled “The Sounds of Silence.” In the case of PEBO, the silence speaks louder than words.

Big Dog

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3 Responses to “The Silence Of The Bam”

  1. Angi says:

    He hasn’t said anything because he refuses to state an opinion on anything until he figures out what everyone else is saying first…

  2. Adam says:

    Obama has already shown he can make decisions unpopular to the “base.” For example when he voted for telecom immunity before the election, when he didn’t pick as many African Americans for his cabinet as the CBC wanted, when he picked a radically anti-gay pastor for his inauguration…just to name a few.

    If Obama had spoken you’d just have derided him for some reason or another so can we just stop pretending? Obama will get his say soon enough when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian issue.

    Yeah, Bush’s great support for Israel has brought them so much peace. They’ll be so sad to lose him as their ally…

    • Big Dog says:

      Well Adam, you are young and probably did not learn this in brain washing college but they have been working on peace in that part of the world for a very long time.

      Carter was unable to get peace, Clinton, who met with Arafat at least 20 times did not get peace. To say that Bush did not get peace there is a demonstration of your lack of knowledge on the subject. You blame Bush for something that has been elusive to many presidents.

      Obama made unpopular decisions at home that slapped his supporters in the face. He can get away with that and they will excuse it. He could not risk upsetting his brothers in Islam (they called him their brother, not me) or the Israelis because it is a different thing all together.

      If he had spoken out I would not have said anything about him speaking though I might have had something to say about the content.

      Face it, this is like voting present. Keep his mouth shut and play it safe.

      Are you saying Obama is a racist? When I question why a seat HAS to go to a black person you say I don’t understand the black circumstance and call me a racist. Obama did not pick as many blacks as the blacks wanted so does he fit the same bill or are there different circumstances like always?