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The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again

The AP is reporting that a man walked into the Jewish Federation’s offices in Seattle Washington and shot six people killing one of them. The assailant’s name is Naveed Afzal Haq. In case you can not tell from his name and since the MSM hardly ever points it out when Muslims commit crimes or plot terror, let me make it clear that this jackass is a MUSLIM. You know the type? Member of the Religion of Peace, tolerant group that believes in live and let live, blah, blah, blah.

Let us clear a few things up. After 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked us there were acts of violence directed against Muslims here in America. Those attacks were wrong and people were punished. We also know about them because the MSM was out in force telling us about all the racist Americans who were harassing those members of the religion of peace. Since that time Muslim after Muslim has been arrested either committing violence or trying to commit violence but the MSM is reluctant to characterize their backgrounds. When a bunch of Mohammads were arrested in Canada, all with obviously Muslim names, the MSM would not call them an Islamic terror cell. This latest attack in Seattle had a man saying he was a Muslim who did not like what Israel was doing. When asked if he was a Muslim the veiled answer was that you could characterize him that way.

CAIR is an Islamic supporter of terror that has one goal and that is Islamic infestation in the world. They want to make the entire world convert to Islam. They have the same tactic as the ACLU. The only difference between the two organizations is the goal of the ACLU is Communism and the goal of CAIR is conversion to Islam. CAIR will never say a bad thing about a Muslim that commits a crime. They have been the first to call for denouncements of PERCEIVED acts of hostility against the Muslim community. Whether it is an allegation against a service member or some complaint about person shooting a Koran, CAIR is there to ask that these be investigated. When Muslims commit atrocities and other crimes they are silent. They said not a word when our two soldiers were murdered in Iraq and I am willing to bet they will say little, if anything at all, about this shooting.

Despite the anti Israeli sentiment throughout the world, Jews are not out killing and plotting terror in the world. They are engaged in battle against people who attacked their homeland but you do not read about a terror cell of Jews plotting to blow up buildings. You do not read about Jews walking into Muslim centers and killing Muslims and we do not read or hear about Jews strapping bombs on their bodies and killing innocent people. Believe me, if it were happening the MSM would have it as front page story. The MSM and the UN would never excuse this behavior from the Jews. They only do that for the Muslims, the followers of that so-called religion of peace.

The world needs to realize that the war on terror is a war in Islam. They are not peaceful. You can not get one of them, including people like the Iraqi PM to denounce terror unless they are “victims” of the terror. Muslims will never agree that Jews have a right to live and should be left alone. The religion of peace is nothing more than a front for the worlds largest terror organization and the quicker we realize that the quicker we can get on with eradicating this vermin.


BTW, If this guy who shot the Jews in Seattle is found guilty he should get the death penalty and be hanged in the middle of the town so every member of the ROP can see what happens to them when they commit crimes. If the liberal weenies in Seattle are unwilling to kill him then he needs to be sentenced to life at Gitmo.

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