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The Racist NAACP

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon is in some legal trouble. She has been indicted on 9 counts relating to theft and perjury. The mayor maintains her innocence and it is up to the legal system to sort it out. If they find her guilty then she must pay and if they find her not guilty then she can move on. But if she is found guilty she will need to be replaced.

This is where the NAACP has concerns. The Baltimore Chapter is concerned that if Dixon is convicted the Governor might appoint a white person to fill her seat.They also have concerns that she might be replaced by a Republican though that is unlikely since the current Governor is a Democrat. Of course, if he loses next year then that might be a different story.

Except, the Governor does not have the authority to replace the Baltimore Mayor. The state law leaves it up to Baltimore charter which states the City Council President will fill the vacancy (as far as I know that person is black). This is how Dixon originally got the job. Current Governor Martin O’Malley was Baltimore Mayor before being elected Governor and Dixon was City Council President. Incidentally, O’Malley is white and the NAACP did not have a problem with him being mayor.

Imagine how it would have played out if a group publicly stated that they were concerned that an indicted white mayor might be replaced with a black person. The very NAACP that made the racist statement regarding Dixon’s possible replacement would be the same organization shouting from the mountain tops about racism.

Marvin L. Cheatham, the president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP, introduced the resolution because he heard an attorney on a radio program discussing a lack of clarity on succession if Dixon were to be convicted and sentenced.

“Our concern is who would the governor appoint?” Cheatham said. “Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? … Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?” Baltimore Sun

Does Cheatham even realize how racist that statement is? Is he suggesting that any city that is predominantly white but has a black mayor would be justified in asking the black person to step down?

The elected official in any jurisdiction is in office to represent EVERY person living there regardless of color. For Cheatham and the NAACP to suggest that a predominantly black city needs a black mayor is racist and demeans the entire system of government.

Let’s take Cheatham’s statement to the next level. The United States is predominantly white. Barack Obama is black. Is it Cheatham’s contention that Obama should not be the leader of this country because he does not fully represent the majority white population of the country? This is his worry in the case of Baltimore.

It amazes me that every person who opposes the positions of Barack Obama is labeled racist but Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as well as the NAACP have made careers (and lots of money) peddling racism in this country and their statements smack of their own racist attitudes. And then they have the gall to label whites (particularly Republicans and Conservatives) as racist.

I imagine if McCain supporters (or Hillary supporters in the primary) had made the claim that Obama should not be elected because he is black and does not fully represent the majority white population the NAACP would be condemning the claim (and rightly so) and Cheatham would be in front of the crowd calling for the head of the racist who dared to say such a thing.

I believe that the people who are elected are put in office to represent every constituent regardless of color (or any other demographic). For some reason I figured this was common knowledge (though we could argue whether they actually represent us, color is not an issue in that debate). I also believe that people in a job can succeed or fail at the job regardless of color and that color is not a qualification for a job (affirmative action be damned).

I thought we settled that separate but equal nonsense a long time ago.

Maybe Cheatham didn’t get the memo.

Big Dog Salute to Flopping Aces

Big Dog

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