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The Problem With Liberal Minds

The problem with Liberalism is not just the philosophy but is also the mind that absorbs and believes the things that are contrary to common sense. Liberals have a mind that forces them to use emotion to think everything through rather than logic. Now many Liberals will tell you that they are using logic or that your logic is flawed but in reality they are looking at things based on their emotions. How will someone feel if I say/do/practice this? How will I feel? It is my right because it makes me feel good and you a (fill in the blank) if you can not see these things.

I have been called many names by Liberals here on the blogosphere. There is one person who goes by PoetryMan. He writes poetry (obviously) and it often expresses his distaste for anything “NeoCon.” He has called me a bigot, a clown, and a number of other things in his attempt too argue points about everything going on in the world. Whenever a point is made I am attacked (rather than the argument) and the conspiracy theories and lies that the Democratic Party puts out in its talking points memos are used as a “weapon” in the war against NeoCons.

Now I point this guy out to show the fundamental flaw in Liberalism. It is a do as I say, not as I do philosophy that only has tolerance for those who espouse the same ideas. Much like Islam, which is only a religion of peace for those who belong, Liberalism is only tolerant of the people who agree with it. This mindset allows people to call a war immoral without explaining why it is immoral or without listening to the arguments for the morality of the issue. Liberals can tell you that life means nothing and you should be able to abort millions of babies and use their stem cells for research but in the same breath tell us life is precious so you should not execute a convicted murderer.

The emotional mind of Liberals allows them to use the word “racist” every time something happens. The race card is designed to evoke emotion. Don’t get me wrong, people should be angry (an emotion) when they witness or are a victim of racism. But using the word when racism is not present such as when Cynthia “Cop Socker” McKinney hit a police officer is nothing more than a tactic to elicit emotions (and make her the victim). The same holds true for the idea that tax cuts are for the rich. The logic shows us that tax cuts increase revenue to the government and creates a greater economy but the Liberal emotion tells people that tax cuts only help the rich (which is not true, but the rich pay most of the taxes anyway) and this benefit to the rich comes at the expense of the poor. Another example of emotion being used to influence people rather than using logic and fact to persuade them.

How about the emotion of war and the military? The Liberal mind tells us that all of mankind can live in peace if we all hold hands and sing Bob Dylan songs. No one would want to hurt us or anyone else if we all just drank lattes and discussed the issues. We need to have an emotional discussion with these folks so we can understand how they feel (what is their emotional state?) and what we did to upset them so we can make it better. To Liberals, no one would ever be angry or fight if we followed their philosophy of emotion. The first act of violence in recorded history was when Cain killed his brother Abel. The unfortunate thing is, Cain murdered because he was angry with his brother. Yes, his emotion caused the violence. Therefore we can conclude that holding hands and understanding another’s emotional state will not necessarily keep people from being violent.

In fact, it is often a favorite Liberal tact to say that people do bad things like go to war because they hurt the feelings of the bad guy. The America bashers on the left are full of stories about how we made the terrorists hate us, how war is not the answer and how we got ourselves into a mess because we did not take into account how others felt. Now Conservatives are not immune to emotion. When 9/11 hit the visceral reaction was to seek revenge. Quite emotional, however after time to think a plan was conceived and executed to go into Afghanistan and take out the Taliban. We also went into Iraq and took out a regime that supported terrorists. The facts given for the war were solid. The left will point out that there were no WMD (they were there) and that we were lied to (an emotional response) while ignoring the fact that WMD was only one of several reasons given for the invasion and that we gave Hussein plenty of time and opportunity to capitulate.

Liberal politicians are great for using emotion to get elected. They can never get past saying “we have a plan.” If they could come out and actually tell the plan and why it will work along with the method of execution then it might make sense. Instead, they show pictures of military coffins and say that the other side does things wrong and they will do it better. They discuss how many of our military have been killed (while ignoring that more of them died when Clinton was in office) because this is all designed to play on the emotions of the flawed Liberal mind. The Liberals will also play on emotions by touting the number of dead civilians. It is terrible when people die but everyone dies. Life is a sexually transmitted terminal condition and no one gets out of it alive. The Liberals will discuss how terrible it is that a bomb accidentally kills 10 civilians but then excuse a homicide bomber who kills 40 children and their mothers as “Freedom Fighters.” The emotional plea to understand the mind of someone who is upset at ourevil.

Liberalism is the emotional mindset that allows them to tell us how everything they do (like tax increases) is for the children. For the children is an emotional plea because we all want to help kids. They tell us they care about the children while defending the murder of millions of them while they are still in the womb. The Liberal mind is what allows a man like Ted Kennedy to drown a woman and then come out wearing a neck brace (for sympathy, an emotion) to make it look like he cares. Logic would dictate that he should pay for the crime but he played on the emotional Liberal mind in order to keep his power.

The Liberal mind is an uncomplicated pile of emotional goo that uses causes and feel good things to promote the destruction of this country. We need to get rid of Liberals and keep them out of office so that our country can function logically, not on an emotional whim.