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The Poverty Prez

Barack Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform the United States and he has done just that. The US now has a record number of people who meet the federal definition of living in poverty. Barack Obama has transformed a large number of people into the poor and he, like all Democrats, like people that way. When Democrats make them poor they can then exploit them, promise to take care of them, create more people dependent on government and thus get more people who vote Democrat:

The number of poor Americans in 2010 was the largest in the 52 years that the Census Bureau has been publishing poverty estimates, the report said, while the poverty rate was the highest since 1993. al_Reuters

And remember, everything the Democrats do is for the children. No matter what the program Democrats claim it is for the children. When they are attacking the opposition they claim that the policies will hurt the children. The unfortunate problem is that the Obama policies have actually hurt the children:

More than a fifth of Americans under the age of 18 lived in poverty last year, new U.S. Census figures show. Yahoo News

Yep, Obama has transformed America into a poor country and has hurt the children. Don’t worry though, he has a government handout for the children waiting to enslave them.

And if the kids have it tough now, wait until they grow up and get the bill for the out of control government spending…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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