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The Politics Of Race And Deceit

This past weekend thousands of Americans descended on Capitol Hill to oppose the health care takeover. They were peaceful and conducted themselves properly. There were, however, accusations of racial and homophobic slurs directed at certain players in the health care game.

Several black members locked arms and walked to the Capitol. It appeared as if they were trying to give the impression that this was like the Civil Rights fight where blacks walked arm in arm through a sea of white people on the way to the promised land. That is a false impression and the people there were not there because of anything that had to do with race.

Several of the black members then claimed to have been spit upon and called the N word. As Andrew Breitbart points out, no video and audio evidence of this has been presented and no one in the area turned their heads in the direction of the alleged slurs. One would think that shouting the N word would get some reaction.

It would appear as if the situation was fabricated. What? Honest politicians (an oxymoron) telling lies about what was said. Yes. The Democrats will say, do and allege anything in order to marginalize the TEA Party movement and others opposed to the health care takeover. Until some type of real evidence appears, this is a fabricated story.

Breitbart is offering $10,000 for such evidence. Since some folks in the group of black politicians walking arm in arm were filming, the evidence should be readily available.

After the vote took place and Obama signed the bill into law, some lawmakers received voice mails and emails laced with profanity. Only a few were what could be classified as threats. Most were people cussing out their elected officials. Given the pass potty mouth Joe Biden was given, no one should get in trouble if their only “offense” was using bad language. Those who communicated threats should be dealt with appropriately.

The funny thing, which Evan Coyne Maloney points out, is that the Democrats were the ones using such methods and openly called for them. It was the left that organized a bus trip to the homes of AIG employees to harass and threaten them for receiving bonuses. It was Obama who claimed to be the only one between them and pitchforks.

In the past, it was Obama who told his followers to get in “their faces” and that if they brought a knife he would bring a gun.

The left has used intimidation and threats to get its way and Obama has led the way in this effort. It is the Chicago way and Obama is a thug politician from Chicago.

Now these poor Democrats are crying because they have been cussed out.

Make no mistake. This is all part of a plan to marginalize the people opposed to the radical agenda of the left. This is pure Saul Alinsky and it is designed to ensure the left can continue to run roughshod over the country.

So here is some advice to the left. Buck up and put on a cup. Grow a set and man up a bit. So some people cussed at you, big deal. So people are threatening to run you out of office on a rail, big deal. Unless you have a real threat then crawl back under your rocks because we do not want to hear you whine about your employers exercising their First Amendment rights.

Folks, it is time to take the fight to them. Ignore their whining and ignore their games. They are trying to marginalize the opposition and they are trying to provoke us to violence so they can come down hard on us.

Don’t let the junior Alinskys have their way.

Fight back and fight back hard. Work to get them out of office.

Make the bastards pay.

Oops, was that a threat? Screw them if it was.

Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


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