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The Obama Sequester End Game

Barack Obama’s sequester is set to kick in on Friday and there appears to be no stopping it from taking place. This means that about 85 billion dollars will be cut from the growth in the budget (not the actual budget but what they said they would spend) and about 48 billion of that will come from the Defense Department. Obama and his Democrats could easily cut items that do not affect people but have chosen to cut where it will hurt the most. In the DOD 800,000 people will lose 20% of their salary when furloughs start at the end of April. This is being done to hurt people and there is a reason for it.

Obama wants people to hurt and he wants to pin the blame on Republicans. Obama came up with the sequester but he will put the blame on others.

No surprise there.

He wants voters to be angry with Republicans so they will be voted out in 2014 and Obama can have a majority in Congress. Then he can run roughshod over the country.

There is also another reason Obama chose to hurt people. He needs people to hurt so he can claim that cuts to government hurt people so there can be no more cuts and taxes have to be raised.

Imagine how bad it would be for Democrats if the cuts took place and no one noticed. Imagine how it would be portrayed if those cuts were so painless that people began demanding more in the way of cuts. That can’t be allowed to happen if you are a big government socialist like Obama. He needs people to get hurt so he can brainwash them into thinking big government is the answer and that there is no spending problem (after all, we need the spending to prevent people from being hurt) and that the problem is revenue.

Obama got his revenue increase and it is far above the amount of the looming cuts. The entire cut amounts to about 2.5 cents of every dollar of the projected spending. The government could easily cut 2.5% from spending (the growth in spending) and not even feel it.

That is why they are targeting people and programs that directly help people. Obama needs to inflict maximal pain to push his agenda.

This guy who so many believe cares for people is a cold and calculating political monster who cares nothing about anyone. He cares for his agenda and socialism and that is all.

So if you support him and his cuts hurt you then you got what you voted for and what you deserve. If you don’t support him and get hurt then you will have to suck it up and do the best you can.

Strong people will come through the other side intact. The weak will be worse off because their baby daddy in government is spanking them.

Deliberately harming people is wrong and the mark of a true beast.

Maybe someone in Congress can make one of the cuts the executive Air Force that ferries people like Obama and his vacation addicted wife around. Be kind of nice to see them stuck in DC actually having to do something.

Anyone with some testicular fortitude on the right side of the aisle willing to make this cut?

I doubt it. They will probably cave and give king dufus all that he wants.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

