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The Modern American Gunfight

Time to Stand and Fight

The NRA has an ad pointing out that Barack Obama’s children attend a school with armed guards but he refuses to allow the same protection for our children. The White House was upset that Obama’s children were used in such fashion. Funny though, Obama did not mind exploiting the dead children from Connecticut and he certainly did not mind using other people’s kids to push his agenda yesterday when he used his Imperial position to impose gun restrictions.

Here is a new ad from the NRA. It is right on point and it shows many in the media attacking Wayne LaPierre for saying that schools should have armed guards (a position most Americans agree with). It is crazy, they say, to suggest putting more guns in schools (yeah, because right now the only ones that make it there are carried by crazy people).

Keep in mind that the media all attacked LaPierre for his suggestion. That same media fawned over Obama’s proposals. Here is one of those proposals (I agree in principle with the idea here though I doubt this is a federal responsibility):

The president will also push for federal funds for more school counselors and mental health aides and for schools and school districts that want to hire armed and trained security officers CBS News


Why is that same media not attacking Obama for providing money for MORE guns in schools? Where are all those who attacked LaPierre for his proposal now that Obama has included that very idea in his package?

This is about advancing gun control. Make no mistake, gun control is not about guns but control of the people. The camel’s nose will get under the tent and pretty soon there will be a push for an all out ban.

It works this way. There is gun violence, the government makes rules that infringe upon those of us who did not commit that violence (while ignoring the fact that criminals don’t obey the law) and then when that does not work they come back and say the only thing that will work is a complete ban.

The time to fight is now. We cannot allow them to violate the Constitution and the other laws that have been passed to protect gun owners and our rights.

As an aside, Obama said that nothing in Obamacare keeps doctors from asking about guns. Section 2716 on page 2308 of Obamacare specifically says otherwise.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

